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Journal «MEDICINA» 1/2017

pp. 1-114

Krylova I. A., Goydin A. P., Fabrikantov O. L.
The comparative efficacy of subthreshold micropulse laser treatment and standard threshold grid laser coagulation in diabetic macular edema
pp. 1-8 (Research)

Purpose: To assess the efficacy of subthreshold micropulse laser treatment and standard threshold grid laser coagulation. Material and methods: Laser treatment using the methods of subthreshold micropulse laser influence and standard threshold grid laser coagulation was performed in 20 patients. Results: The results were assessed according to the dynamics of best-corrected visual acuity and central retinal thickness. We observed the reduction of edema height and increase in visual acuity within six months treating by threshold grid laser coagulation, Micropulse laser influence was effective up to three months only. Conclusion: Threshold grid laser coagulation has a more prolonged effect (up to 6 months) for improving visual acuity and reducing retinal thickness in the macular. Micropulse threshold laser influence is a more gentle method and effective up to three months only, then the repeated courses of laser treatment are needed.

Key words: diabetic macular edema, subthreshold micropulse laser influence, threshold grid laser coagulation, optical coherence tomography

Peskovets R. D., Shtarik S. Yu., Evsyukov À. À.
Analysis of prevalence of smoking depending on the presence of hypertension among adult population of Krasnoyarsk
pp. 9-18 (Research)

The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of smoking among the adult population of Krasnoyarsk considering age and gender, presence of arterial hypertension, as well as the receiving of antihypertensive therapy and its effectiveness. The data was obtained from 1123 persons aged 25-34 years, participating in the study «Epidemiology of Cardio-Vascular Diseases in Russian Federation – 2012». According to the results of the study, from the total number of participants hypertension was diagnosed among 44.2% (52.1% of men and 39.6% women, p=0.000), smoking prevalence was 23.9% (39.4% in men and 15.0% among women, p=0.000). The median age of onset of smoking among men was 17 years, median age of onset of smoking among women was 18 years. The prevalence of smoking among men was not significantly changed (p=0.239), and among women decreased with the onset of 45 years (p=0.000). Among men with hypertension and without hypertension, the proportion of smokers was statistically comparable (41.8% vs 36.7%, p=0.296). Among women with hypertension, the proportion of smokers was significantly lower than among women without hypertension (11.3% vs 17.4%, p=0.026). There was no significant association between the use and effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy among men and among women (p>0.05). So, in case of hypertension men continued to smoke, women quitted the habit. Treatment with antihypertensive drugs and the effectiveness of treatment of arterial hypertension did not influence the attitude of patients towards smoking.

Key words: smoking prevalence, hypertension prevalence

Malykhin F. T., Baturin V. A.
Assignment of Potentially Inappropriate Medications in Elderly and Senile Pulmonary Patients – an Assessment
pp. 19-24 (Research)

In accordance with Beers and STOPP/START criteria authors analyzed assignment frequency for potentially inappropriate medications in pulmonary inpatients older than 65 years of age. Checkup of appointment sheets for 580 elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma revealed that in more than half of the cases potentially recommended medications were used at least once. Use of Beers and STOPP/START criteria is proposed as an optimization tool for medication in such patients.

Key words: elderly patients, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, Beers and STOPP/START criteria

Kuandykov G. B.
Phenomenon of Public Health in the Sociology of Medicine Format
pp. 25-35 (Reviews)

Studies of the individual and public health in sociological knowledge format more emphasis on the role of the social conditions that create the preconditions for its destruction or maintenance. The importance of social space in the design of social well-being involves the study of psycho-physiological health parameters through their relationship with the living conditions, employment, ethical, socio-cultural, institutional and other factors.

Key words: health, society, social factors

Shingareeva L. A., Baikov D. E.
The Computer and Magnetic Resonance Tomography in the Diagnosis of Space-Occupying Lesions of the Adrenal Glands
pp. 36-43 (Brief communications)

Diseases of the endocrine system are one of the problematic issues in radiology and endocrinology. «Pioneer» visualization methods provided little information and were sometimes accompanied by painful invasive procedures. Wide use in the practice of physicians of «new» radiological methods such as CT t MRI helped to identify lesions of small dimensions, leading to the significant reduction in mortality. MRI and CT scan using iodocholesterol contrast enhances the informativeness of these methods, leading to increased sensitivity and specificity in detecting space-occupying lesions. This allows to clarify the relationship of the tumor with the surrounding tissues. Despite advances in radiation imaging, the problem of differential diagnosis, development of algorithm for complex radial diagnostics of diseases of adrenal glands remains open and requires further studies.

Key words: magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, adrenal tumor diagnostics

Tetenova E. Ju.
Trends and experiences in e-Health introduction. Prospectives for Addiction Medicine
pp. 44-55 (Reviews)

The article describes historical aspects of e-Health, presents examples of telemedicine applications in Russia and abroad. Issues for development of action plan for e-Health introduction in addiction medicine are formulated. Author suggests transfer of prevention activities into virtual environment.

Key words: e-Health, information and communication technologies, telemedicine, electronic patient’s records

Yaroslavskaya M. A., Pfaf V. F., Nikolaenko E. M.
Medical and psychological approach to the problem of understanding the phenomenon of «pain»
pp. 56-79 (Research)

Pain is the most common cause of treatment in medical institutions. She accompanies many diseases, each of which generates a unique individual diagnostic, research and therapeutic tasks. The purpose of this review were the systematization and generalization of existing scientific clinical and psychological ideas and information on the phenomenon of pain.

Key words: pain, adaptation, diagnostics, interdisciplinary approach

Maslyakov V. V., Ilyukhin A. V.
Impact of extremely high frequencies on indices of peripheral blood leukocytes in patients with the chronic generalized periodontal disease
pp. 80-88 (Research)

80 patients with a chronic generalized periodontal disease and average age of 30 years took part in research. Exclusion criteria were: concurrent conditions of the blood circulatory system, endocrine system, damage of a liver and kidneys, digestive tract pathology. Research methods. As pathogenetic therapy we used extremely high frequencies (KVCh-influence) applying earlier developed technique of 10 exposure sessions on biologically active points of face skin: the point connected with the top cutters canines and the first premolyars located in the center of a filtrum (Ñv-26); the point connected with the lower cutters canines and premolyars is located in the center of a chin-lip fold (Ñv-24); the point connected with the second top premolyars and the top painters is located on a nose-lip fold in the crossing of the line drawn from the center of the pupil and a perpendicular which is carried out to it from a point of Ñv-26 (St-7); the point connected with the lower second premolyars and molars is located 1 cm from a mouth corner in crossing with a vertical from the center of a pupil (St-8). Two last points are located at the left and on the right. Total time of duration of each exposure in all groups – 30 minutes. For treatment, we used «Yav-1» emitter. Application of KVCh-therapy in complex treatment of patients with a chronic generalized periodontal disease, leads to the fastest restoration of quantity indicators for peripheral blood lymphocytes populations. Thus, recovery of the indicators depends on the progress of disease. In mild cases recovery is registered on the fifth day from the initiation of treatment, in heavy – on the eighth. Besides laboratory indicators clinical improvement, demonstrating reduction of inflammation is noted.

Key words: chronic generalized periodontal disease, extremely high frequencies, peripheral blood leukocytes

Grishin S. M.
Procedures on receiving of claim with a court notice for medical organization managing director
pp. 89-94 (Brief communications)

The article describes how medical organization head should act in case of receiving the claim with a court notice. It is noted that ignoring court notices may lead to adverse effects, since it does not preclude consideration of the case on the available evidence at the disposal of the court.

Key words: suit, a forensic medical examination, the statement of claim, the defendant's legal protection

Komlev S. S., Shcherbakov M. V., Kurnosova A. M.
Method of producing temporary constructions
pp. 95-98 (Brief communications)

The article presents a method of producing temporary constructions in patients with partial absence of teeth in the esthetic zone. Clinical examinations and orthopedic treatment of 46 patients by proposed method were carried out at the Prosthetic Dentistry Department of Samara State Medical University in Samara dental clinic ¹3.

Key words: temporary constructions, partial absence of teeth, the esthetic zone, computer based simulation

Roytberg G. E., Sharkhun O. O.
Features of liver damage progression in insulin resistant patients
pp. 99-107 (Research)

The article assesses the state of the liver in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) after 5 years of follow up. We tried to identify the progression features of the pathological process in the liver in insulin resistant patients. NAFLD is considered in close association with the metabolic syndrome, based on insulin resistance (IR) phenomenon. We presented clinical outcomes of NAFLD within 5 years in patients with and without IR, as well as the development of IR in NAFLD patients. Among patients with NAFLD within 5 years of follow up we estimated steatosis to steatohepatitis transformation, as well as the degree of steatohepatitis activity on clinical and laboratory data.

Key words: fatty liver, steatohepatitis, insulin resistance, risk factors, abdominal obesity, questionnaires, patient physical activity

Resolution of the Scientific-practical and educational All-Russian ñonference «Regional opportunities for combatting the tobacco epidemic», Tver, October 10, 2016
pp. 108-114 (Information)