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Rules for review of manuscripts

1. The papers submitted are reviewed by members of Editorial Board or other recognized experts Doctors of Science or PhD's having for the past 3 years publications on the subject of reviewed articles.

2. The Editors do not disclose information relating to the manuscript other than to the authors and reviewers. Reviewers and members of the editorial board is prohibited to take advantage of the peer-reviewed scientific data work before its publication.

3. The review should contain a qualified analysis of the material of the manuscript, an objective assessment of its content and reasonable recommendations for improving the manuscript. Comments and suggestions of the reviewer should be objective and principled, aimed at improving the scientific and methodological levels of the manuscript. The final part of the review should be kept informed of the conclusions of the manuscript as a whole and a clear recommendation of the expediency of its publication in the journal.

4. Articles, submitted to the journal by the members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (academicians and corresponding members), members of the editorial board, and articles, accompanied by a written representation of the members of the Russian State Academy of Sciences are published without peer-reviewing.

5. Dates for reviewing are set by the executive secretary of the Editorial Board, but are not exceeding 4 weeks from the date of acceptance of the manuscript by the Editors.

6. After receiving a positive review author (first author when writing by the group of authors) is informed on the admission of an article for publication. A copy of the review is sent to the author by e-mail.

7. Upon refusal to review the manuscript, the Editors sent to the author reasoned response by e-mail.

8. Upon receiving negative reviews the executive secretary of the Editorial Board sends the author a copy of the review proposing to modify the article in accordance with the reviewers' comments or arguments (partially or completely) or to refute them.

9. The review is confidential, the review submitted to the author without the signature and the name, position, place of work the reviewer.

10. Reviews are kept by the Editors for at least 5 years.

11. At the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation review must be submitted to the Commission and / or the Ministry.

12. Once finalized (processed) by the author the manuscript is re-reviewed.

13. In cases of dispute, a decision on whether publication after peer review is adopted for publication is made by the Editor in Chief, and if necessary – the Editorial Board as a whole.

14. Publication of scientific papers, issued not in accordance with the rules for publication, the authors of which refuse to amend or do not accept the constructive comments of the reviewer is not allowed.