Yaroslavskaya M. A.
PhD, full member of Russian Science Medical Society of Internal Medicine, member of the World and the European Society of Physicians, member of «Association for Interdisciplinary Medicine», full member of «National Academy of active longevity», Individual member of «The International Network of Democratic Therapeutic Communities» (INDTC), clinical psychologist psychiatric hospital named after Y.V. Kannabih (Moscow, Russian Federation);
Pfaf V. F.
MD, Academician and Chairman of the transport medicine section of The International Akademy for Integrational of Sciencen and Business (IAISB), vice-president of the Moscow Medical Chamber, director, "Russian railways" Road Clinical Hospital (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation);
Nikolaenko E. M.
MD, Professor, Head of Centre for anaesthesiology and intensive care Scientific Clinical Center "Russian Railways", Member of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) and intensive care (ESICM).
Pain is the most common cause of treatment in medical institutions. She accompanies many diseases, each of which generates a unique individual diagnostic, research and therapeutic tasks. The purpose of this review were the systematization and generalization of existing scientific clinical and psychological ideas and information on the phenomenon of pain.
Key words
pain, adaptation, diagnostics, interdisciplinary approach
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