Malygin A. S.
Resident Physician, Chair for Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology1
Lomonosova I. A.
Cand. Biol. Sci. Assistant, Chair for Management and Economic of Pharmacy1
Bogomolova O. A.
Assistant, Chair for Management and Economic of Pharmacy1
Demidova M. A.
Doctor of Medicine, Full Professor, Head, Chair for Management and Economic of Pharmacy1
1 - Tver State Medical University, Tver, Russia
Corresponding Author
Lomonosova Irina; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
The effect of valprazolamide, a new antiepileptic agent from the group of amide derivatives of valproic acid, on the exploratory behavior of mice in «open field» test and a «dark/light transition» test was studied. As a result of the experiment, it was revealed that the new antiepileptic drug valprazolamide, when used in doses of 75 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg, hadn’t a significant effect on the orienting-exploratory behavior of mice. With a single intraperitoneal injection at a dose of 300 mg/kg, individual manifestations of rodent research activity increased (horizontal locomotor activity when tested in the open field), and at a dose of 450 mg / kg, it had a depressing effect on the orientation reflexes in rodents.
Key words
valproates, antiepileptics, exploratory behavior
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