Farkhutdinov L. I.
PhD, Specialist, Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan, 12à Karbysheva Str.
Corresponding author
Farkhutdinov Linar; e-mail:
Publication had no sponsorship.
Conflict of intertest
None declared.
The article summarizes the critique of Russian healthcare system considering other countries healthcare experience as well. It’s being stressed that healthcare reforms in post-communist Russia are guided by the World Bank’s consultants, together with the fact that Russia is a member of WTO. It’s being argumented, that healthcare reforms in Russia are performed according to the policies of the aforecited organizations who are the real actors, upon which the reforms should be judged, but not the national government. From the perspective of that really sovereign actor Russian health care reforms lose their evidently inconsistent character, their means and methods become concordant with the aim, which is maximal privatization of healthcare. Conclusion confirms the opinion of Russian community of healthcare professionals that the country needs to reestablish its previous budget model of healthcare organization.
Key words
types of healthcare organizations, WTO, World bank, insurance companies, DRG, copayments, GDP
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