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The reform of medical education in Russia within the framework of the Bologna Declaration «On the European Higher Education Area»

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 2, 2018, pp.1-9 (Discussion)


Pishchita A. N.
Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Law, Professor, Chair for Health Organization and Public Health1

1 - Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education

Corresponding author

Pishchita Alexander; e-mail: alexpischita@mail.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


The article analyzes the main principles of reforming higher education systems in European countries associated with the creation of a single global market of educational services and ensuring the free cross-border movement of skilled labor. Russia's accession to the Bologna process in September 2003 so far raises disputes and doubts about the expediency of total submission to European educational standards. This is particularly evident in the health education system, the reform of which has not been completed to date.

Key words

professional education reform, Bologna process, medical education reform in Russia



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