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The Influence of Orthokeratological Contact Lenses on the Anatomical and Functional State of the Cornea

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 3, 2024, pp.130-140 (Research)


Absatarova N. A.
Postgraduate Student1
ORCID 0000-0002-3766-7517

Usenko V. A.
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor1
ORCID 0000-0001-7533-7773

Yunusov M. A.
MD, Ophthalmologist, Microsurgeon 2
ORCID 0009-0003-1852-1592

1 - Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training named after. S. B. Daniyarov, Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan
2 - Medical center «Medcenter KG», Bishkek, Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Corresponding Author

Absatarova Nurzida Abdykaymovna, e-mail: nurzid82@mail.ru


The study had no sponsorship.

Conflict of interest

None declared.


Aim: To analyze the potential impact of orthokeratological lenses when correcting myopia on the anatomical and functional state of the cornea. 160 eyes (80 patients) were examined – 60 eyes (30 patients) with mild myopia, 100 eyes (50 patients) with moderate myopia, average age 12.0 ± 0.38 years. Control group – 40 eyes (20 patients), with emmetropia, average age – 13.0 ± 0.45 years. All patients used reverse geometry orthokeratological lenses «Moonlens» from «Sky Optix» in night mode. Research methods. Special research methods were carried out: keratotopography, OCT of the anterior segment of the eye, autorefractometry, ophthalmometry, biometry, skiascopy against the background of cycloplegia, ultrasound of the eye, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy. Results. After the use of orthokeratological lenses, flattening of the cornea from the center to the periphery was revealed with the formation of a negative value of the asphericity index «Q» – exactly (-) 0.57±0.054 (p <0.01); an increase in refraction in the middle and peripheral zones of the cornea with an increase in the asymmetry index «l-S» is 3.0±0.12D (p <0.01). According to the SimK1 and SimK2 meridians, the degree of weakening of refraction in the center of the cornea was revealed (-) 2.32±0.19D and the degree of enhancement of refraction of the cornea in the middle and peripheral zones – (+) 61±0.53D and (+) 0.97 0, 11D. Conclusion. Thus, the identified changes in the anatomical and functional state of the cornea during the treatment of myopia with orthokeratological lenses in the night mode indicate a transformation of the induced myopic defocus.

Key words

myopia, cornea, radius of curvature of the cornea, refractive power of the cornea



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