Gofenberg M. A.
Biologist, Chemical-Toxicological Laboratory1; Biologist, Chemical-Toxicological Laboratory2
ORCID: 0000-0003-2877-1301
Urazaev T. Kh.
MD, PhD, Physician1; Assistant Professor, Chair for Pharmacy3
Dvorskaya O. N.
Doctor of Pharmacy, Head, Chair for Pharmacy and Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy4
ORCID: 0000-0003-4774-8887
1 - Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
2 - Regional Narcological Clinic, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
3 - Ural State Medical University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
4 - South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Corresponding Author
M. A. Gofenberg; e-mail:
The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interest
None declared.
Introduction. Rapid changes are taking place in the illegal drug market, characterized by dominant positions of new psychoactive substances. In order to describe the structure of the consumption of narcotic drugs and other psychoactive substances in the Sverdlovsk region, it is relevant to study the data obtained during chemical-toxicological researches as part of a medical examination for intoxication, in laboratory diagnostics of acute poisoning and forensic chemical examinations. Aim of the study. Retrospective assessment of the detection of cases of use of various types of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and new psychoactive substances during chemical-toxicological and forensic chemical studies in the Sverdlovsk Region in 2021-2023. Materials and methods. Logical, retrospective, comparative and content analysis of data from the results of chemical and toxicological studies of the Regional Narcological Clinic (Ekaterinburg), Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital and Psychiatric Hospital No. 7 for 2021-2023 was carried out. Statistical processing of the results was performed using MS Excel for Windows and Statistica for Windows. Results. The leading position among the substances detected during a medical examination for intoxication is occupied by synthetic cathinones and cannabinoids. The largest number of acute poisonings is associated with the use of narcotic drugs, psychostimulating substances (α‑pyrrolidinovalerophenone and mephedrone), as well as opiates and opioids. Discussion. A retrospective analysis of the results of chemical and toxicological studies of biological fluids of drug users showed that the detectability of various compounds changes over time in the Sverdlovsk region according to data for 2021-2023. During a medical examination for intoxication and during the diagnosis of acute poisoning, «traditional» narcotic drugs are still identified in all areas of chemical and toxicological research, but at present new psychoactive substances of synthetic origin predominate in illegal circulation. Conclusion. Analysis of the results of chemical-toxicological in the Sverdlovsk region in 2021–2023 allowed us to conclude that the detection of new psychoactive substances is prevalent while the detection of «traditional» drugs is stable.
Key words
chemical-toxicological researches, narcotic drugs, new psychoactive substances
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