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Seasonal Changes in the Content of Biologically Active Substances and Antiradical Activity of Pine Cones

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2023, pp.115-124 (Research)


Gulyaev D. K.
PhD (Pharmaceutical Sciences), Assistant Professor, Chair for Pharmacognosy

Belonogova V. D.
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head, Chair for Pharmacognosy

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, Perm, Russian Federation

Corresponding Author

Gulyaev Dmitry; e-mail: dkg2014@mail.ru

Conclifct of interests

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


The introduction of new types of medicinal plant raw materials into medical practice is an urgent task. Pine cones are harvested in huge quantities by forestry and are one of the by-products of logging. The rich chemical composition of this raw material is the basis for its possible medical applications. The aim. To determine the optimal timing of pine cones harvesting for obtaining a dry aqueous extract with antiradical activity. Materials and methods. For the study, cones of the Scots pine of the second year of life were harvested on the territory of the Ilyinsky district of the Perm Territory. Harvesting was carried out in the period from July to March. Dry water extract was prepared by extraction of cones with hot water. The content of procyanidins in extracts was determined by acid cleavage of procyanidins to anthocyanidins using the Porter method. The content of tannins in the extracts was determined according to the methodology of the State Pharmacopoeia. To determine the antioxidant activity of the extracts, a reaction with a stable free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl was used. Results and discussion. As a result of the study, it was found that the highest content of tannins is observed in extracts obtained from cones harvested in October, and the minimum is from cones harvested in March. The highest content of procyanidins in extracts obtained from cones collected in February and March. The lowest content of procyanidins in extracts obtained from cones harvested in August and October. The level of antiradical activity was highest in extracts from cones harvested in October with a sharp decrease in activity in November. From November to March, antiradical activity increases. Conclusion. All the studied extracts have a high level of antiradical activity, which makes it possible to harvest pine cones for extracts in the period from July to March.

Key words

Scots pine, cones, tannins, procyanidins, antiradical activity



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