Burtsev A. A.
MD, PhD, Leading Researcher1
ORCID 0000-0003-2710-1285
Plotnikova M. A.
Methodologist, Department of Postgraduate Education2
ORCID 0000-0001-5662-6780
1 - Moscow Research and Practical Centre on Addictions, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 - Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow, Russian Federation
Corresponding Author
Plotnikova Margarita; å-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
Over the past decades, in the EU countries, educational and rehabilitation interventions for drivers who have committed gross violations of the traffic rules, including driving under influence of alcohol, have become a common addition to traditional administrative and criminal measures. Initially, intervention programs in European countries were differentiated depending on the type of traffic violation. Thus, the intervention programs for drunk drivers differed significantly from the programs for drivers who exceeded the speed limit. Later the results of scientific research proved the feasibility of using a different methodological approach when creating intervention programs for offending drivers, which was based on the study of their behaviour patterns, socio-demographic characteristics and psychological profiles. The practical implementation of this approach made it possible to conclude that complex intervention programs that include all types of gross violations of traffic rules and are differentiated in accordance with violators’ profiles, are highly effective. The recommendations under consideration also concern such a gross violation of traffic rules as driving while intoxicated which is characterized by high latency of its commission in road traffic. Despite the universality of such intervention programs for certain profiles of violating drivers, in relation to drunk drivers the authors suggest the initial differentiation of the latter, taking into account the presence or absence of alcohol addiction, since this information is significant in determining the profile of the driver. Accordingly, the presence or absence of addiction among drunk drivers is one of the main criteria for choosing an intervention program based on the profile of the offending driver. The review presents scientific interest, given the existing negative trends in road traffic injuries associated with driving under influence in the Russian Federation.
Key words
driver, driver intoxication, alcohol intoxication, drunk driving prevention, vehicle, traffic rules, violating drivers, educational program, rehabilitation program, driver rehabilitation, intervention
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