Burtsev A. A.
MD, PhD, Leading Researcher1
ORCID: 0000-0003-2710-1285
Buvin A. A.
Junior Researcher1
ORCID: 0000-0002-1803-0561
1 - Moscow Research and Practical Centre on Addictions, Moscow, Russian Federation
Corresponding Author
Burtsev Aleksandr; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
Drink-driving remains one of the leading causes of road accidents with a high level of injury and mortality. In most high- and middle-income countries (according to the World Bank classification), the completion of drink-driving rehabilitation course is provided at the legislative level as a prerequisite for reinstatement of the license. Over the past decade in the Russian Federation, one observes the growth in the proportion of alcohol-related road injuries in the overall structure of road injuries. Despite that, the abovementioned approach to reinstatement of the driving license for drink-driving offenders remains insufficiently studied. Accordingly, the results of the review of foreign rehabilitation programs for drink-drivers will allow us to identify effective strategies, making it possible to develop a pilot project adapted for use in the activities of the narcological service of the Russian Federation. Of particular interest is the study of the experience of rehabilitation programs for drink-drivers in New Zealand and the UK, that started with initially identical approaches to the appointment of rehabilitation programs in these countries and their subsequent development. The obtained results of the review of foreign experience in the rehabilitation of drink-drivers indicate the need to use not only an integrated approach including various stages (educational, if necessary – therapeutic, preventive in order to prevent cases of repeated driving of vehicles in a state of intoxication), but also to provide an approach designed to stimulate the involvement of drivers-offenders in rehabilitation programs. The use of such an approach in most high- and middle-income countries makes it possible to carry out both effective re-admission of offending drivers to driving vehicles and to reduce the frequency of cases of repeated driving while intoxicated.
Key words
driver, driver intoxication, alcohol intoxication, prevention of intoxication, vehicle, preventive program, rehabilitation program, driver rehabilitation, admission to management
1. Shport S.V., Korchagina G.A., Fadeeva E.V., Burtsev A.A. Upotreblenie alkogolya kak obshchij faktor riska vozniknoveniya dorozhno-transportnogo travmatizma i neinfekcionnyh zabolevanij po materialam tret'ego moskovskogo mezhsektoral'nogo uchebnogo kursa po profilaktike neinfekcionnyh zabolevanij 12-15 marta 2018 g., g. Moskva. [Alcohol Use as a Common Risk Factor for Road Traffic Injuries and Non-Communicable Diseases, on the Basis of the Materials of the Third Moscow Intersectoral Training Course on the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases March 12-15, 2018, Moscow.] Voprosy narkologii [ Journal of Addiction Problems] 2018; 6(166): 19-29. (In Russ.)
2. Burtsev A.A., Bakanov K.S., Bedina I.A. Obzor mirovogo opyta dopuska k upravleniyu transportnymi sredstvami (Germaniya). [A Review of International Experience of the Admission to Driving Vehicles (Federal Republic of Germany).] Narkologiya 2020; 19(4): 56-67, doi: 10.25557/1682-8313.2020.04.56-67 (In Russ.)
3. Burtsev A.A., Bakanov K.S., Bedina I.A. Obzor mirovogo opyta dopuska k upravleniyu transportnymi sredstvami (Ispaniya, Horvatiya). [A Review of International Experience of the Admission to Driving Vehicles (Spain, Republic of Croatia).] Narkologiya 2020; 19(8): 56-63, doi: 10.25557/1682-8313.2020.08.56-63 (In Russ.)
4. Burtsev A.A., Bakanov K.S., Bedina I.A. Obzor mirovogo opyta dopuska k upravleniyu transportnymi sredstvami (Shvejcariya, SSHA). [A Review of International Experience of the Admission to Driving Vehicles (Switzerland, The United States of America).] Narkologiya 2020; 19(11): 91-102, doi: 10.25557/1682-8313.2020.11.91-102 (In Russ.)
5. Burtsev A.A., Bakanov K.S., Bedina I.A. Obzor mirovogo opyta dopuska k upravleniyu transportnymi sredstvami (Finlyandiya, Kitaj, Belarus'). [A Review of International Experience of the Admission To Driving Vehicles (Finland, China, Belarus).] Narkologiya 2020; 19(12): 80-88, doi: 10.25557/1682-8313.2020.12.80-88(In Russ.)
6. Burtsev A.A., Bakanov K.S. Analiz osnovnyh pokazatelej avtodorozhnogo travmatizma v Rossijskoj Federacii v 2007-2019 gg. [Analysis of Key Indicators of Road Traffic Injuries in the Russian Federation in 2007-2019.] Narkologiya 2020; 19(3): 20-30, doi: 10.25557/1682-8313.2020.03.20-30 (In Russ.)
7. Bryun E.A., Burtsev A.A., Bakanov K.S. Analiz pokazatelej upravleniya transportnymi sredstvami v sostoyanii op'yaneniya v Rossijskoj Federacii v 2007-2019 gg. [Analysis of indicators of driving under intoxication in the Russian Federation in 2007-2019.] Narkologiya 2020; 19(6):32-43, doi: 10.25557/1682-8313.2020.06.32-43 (In Russ.)
8. Burtsev A.A., Bakanov K.S. Analiz pokazatelej upravleniya transportnym sredstvom v sostoyanii op'yaneniya v Moskve v 2008-2017 gg. [Analysis of the indicators of vehicle of intoxicated in Moscow in 2008-2017.] Narkologiya 2019; 18(10):32-45, doi: 10.25557/1682-8313.2019.10.32-45 (In Russ.)
9. Burtsev A.A., Bakanov K.S. Analiz effektivnosti vyyavleniya potrebitelej narkotikov sredi voditelej transportnyh sredstv. [Analyzing the Effectiveness of Detecting Drug Users Among Motor Vehicle Drivers.] Voprosy narkologii [Journal of Addiction Problems] 2021; 5(200): 76-92, doi: 10.47877/0234-0623_2021_05_76 (In Russ.)
10. Burtsev A.A., Buvin A.A. Avtorskaya model' monitoringa potrebleniya psihoaktivnyh veshchestv (obzor). [The Author’s Monitoring Model of the Consumption of Psychoactive Substances (Review).] Narkologiya 2021; 20(11): 51-59, doi: 10.25557/1682-8313.2021.11.51-59 (In Russ.)
11. Burtsev A.A., Bakanov K.S., Trifonov O.I., Buvin A.A., Arnaut A.V. Ocenka effektivnosti vyyavleniya medicinskih (narkologicheskih) protivopokazanij k upravleniyu transportnymi sredstvami. [Assessment of The Effectiveness of Detecting Medical (Narcological) Contraindications to Driving Vehicles.] Voprosy narkologii [Journal of Addiction Problems] 2021; 10(205): 63-80. doi: 10.47877/0234-0623_2021_10_63 (In Russ.)
12. Burtsev A.A., Bakanov K.S. Preduprezhdenie faktov upravleniya transportnym sredstvom v sostoyanii op'yaneniya na etapah polucheniya, priostanovleniya, prekrashcheniya i vozobnovleniya prava na upravlenie transportnym sredstvom. [Prevention of the facts of driving while intoxicated at the stages of obtaining, suspension, termination and renewal of the permit to drive a vehicle.] Moscow, NIC PBDD MVD RF, 2021. 150 p. (In Russ.)
13. Bakanov K.S., Burtsev A.A. Perspektivy sozdaniya federal'nogo reestra medicinskih zaklyuchenij o dopuske k upravleniyu transportnym sredstvom. Aktual'nye voprosy primeneniya norm administrativnogo prava («Korenevskie chteniya»). V Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskoj konferenciya: sbornik nauchnyh trudov [Prospects for the creation of a federal register of medical reports on admission to driving a vehicle. Topical issues of the application of the norms of administrative law («Korenev readings»). V International Scientific and Practical Conference: collection of scientific papers.] Moscow, 2021. Š. 45-49. (In Russ.)
14. Prikaz Minzdrava Rossii ot 24.11.2021 ¹ 1092n «Ob utverzhdenii poryadka provedeniya obyazatel'nogo medicinskogo osvidetel'stvovaniya voditelej transportnyh sredstv (kandidatov v voditeli transportnyh sredstv), poryadka vydachi i formy medicinskogo zaklyucheniya o nalichii (ob otsutstvii) u voditelej transportnyh sredstv (kandidatov v voditeli transportnyh sredstv) medicinskih protivopokazanij, medicinskih pokazanij ili medicinskih ogranichenij k upravleniyu transportnymi sredstvami, a takzhe o priznanii utrativshimi silu otdel'nyh prikazov Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya Rossijskoj Federacii». [Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia of November 24, 2021 No. 1092n «On approval of the procedure for mandatory medical examination of drivers of vehicles (candidates for drivers of vehicles), the procedure for Issuing and the form of a medical report on the presence (absence) of medical contraindications, medical Indications or Medical restrictions for Driving vehicles, as well as on Recognition as Invalid the force of separate orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation».] Konsul'tantPlyus [Consultant Plus]. Available at: (Accessed: 15.05.2023). (In Russ.)
15. Burtsev A.A., Kirzhanova V.V., Bakanov K.S. Social'no-demograficheskie harakteristiki voditelej, sovershivshih dorozhno-transportnye proisshestviya v sostoyanii op'yaneniya v Moskve v 2014-2019 gg. [Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Drivers Who Have Committed Road Traffic Accidents While Intoxicated in Moscow in 2014-2019.] Narkologiya 2021; 20(7): 40-51, doi; 10.25557/1682-8313.2021.07.40-51 (In Russ.)
16. Burtsev A.A. Dorozhno-transportnye proisshestviya v rezul'tate op'yaneniya voditelej, nahodivshihsya pod dispansernym nablyudeniem. [Road Traffic Accidents as a Result of Alcohol and Drug Intoxication of Drivers Who Were Under Drug Addiction Supervision.] Narkologiya 2021; 20(4): 30-37, doi: 10.25557/1682-8313.2021.04.30-37 (In Russ.)
17. Legal Alcohol Limits for Driving. Available at: (Accessed: 15.05.2023).
18. MAP Programme. Available at: (Accessed: 15.05.2023).
19. One for The Road – An Outcome Evaluation of a Drink Driver Rehabilitation Programme. Available at: An_Outcome_Evaluation_of_a_Drink_Driver_Rehabilitation_Programme_Final_26219.pdf (Accessed: 15.05.2023).
20. New Zealand Drink Driving Programme. Available at: 15.05.2023).
21. Drink-Driving Penalties. Available at: (Accessed: 15.05.2023).
22. Drink Drive Courses. Available at: (Accessed: 15.05.2023).
23. Run a Drink-Drive Rehabilitation Scheme Course. Available at: (Accessed: 15.05.2023).
24. Drink-Drive Rehabilitation. Available at: (Accessed: 15.05.2023).
25. DVSA Approved Drink Driving Course. Available at: (Accessed: 15.05.2023).