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Journal «MEDICINA» 1/2014

pp. 1-62

Alexei V. Datiy
The characteristic of the HIV-infected condemned men who have asked for a psychological assistance
pp. 1-9 (Research)

In article the social and demographic characteristic of the HIV-infected condemned men is given. Data on distribution of the HIV-infected condemned men on age, relationship status, education, occupation, nationality and state of health are investigated. The identity of the condemned men is closely connected with their criminal and legal characteristic. Are investigated by properties of the men serving sentence who brought them into imprisonment places. The analysis of category of the crime committed by men, numbers of criminal records, term of the punishment appointed by court, a type of the establishment, actually served sentence of punishment and unexpired term of punishment in correctional facility is carried out. The assessment of the HIV-infected condemned men during stay in correctional facility is carried out. It showed where and in what establishment serves sentence condemned as influences on condemned as its characterized, the relation to work, study, another condemned, what its general characteristic according to administration. Social communications of the HIV-infected condemned men are studied. The materialized means of communication of HIV-infected condemned with the family, stability of personal contacts, manifestations by the family of care of the condemned are estimated. The analysis of disciplinary practice of the HIV-infected condemned men is carried out.

Key words: condemned, correctional facility, a psychological assistance, HIV infection, the social and demographic characteristic, the criminal and legal characteristic, the criminal and executive characteristic, the social help, relationship status, age, education, nationality, a state of health, term, number of criminal records, social communications

Cykorina L. N.
Analysis of contingents living in Pervomaiskiy boarding house for the elderly and disabled
pp. 10-14 (Research)

The analysis of the cohort living in a boarding house for the elderly and disabled is conducted. The effectiveness of the comprehensive rehabilitationis noted, as well as the need for coordinated efforts on the part of healthcare and social care to ensure the highest level of medical care for older people and the disabled.

Key words: elderly, disabled, medical rehabilitation, contingent, compensation for lost functions

Kildebekova R. N., Dmitriev A. V., Fedotov A. L.
The Influence of Physical Exercises on the Dynamics of Arterial Pressure and Psychological Health of Patients with Arterial Hypertension
pp. 15-19 (Research)

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of physical rehabilitation of hypertensive patients using cycle trainers and static-dynamic exercises including an intense component in ambulatory settings. Rehabilitation measures resulted in lowering blood pressure, reducing body weight and negative behavioral risk factors, promoting psychological health, improving self-esteem.

Key words: arterial hypertension, physical rehabilitation, cycle trainers, blood pressure, psychological health, self-esteem

A. V. Saversky
Transition to the standard models of drug supply for patients with rare diseases
pp. 20-41 (Discussion)

Provision of necessary medications for patients with orphan diseases is concidered. The problems of the current legislation in the subject area are stated. Conclusions are made on the need to rethink the situation of drug provision. Proposals are made to develop a State program «Dangerous Diseases of High Cost».

Key words: drug provision, orphan diseases, legal status of the drug, standards of medical care

Komarov J. M.
Health Insurance: for Holland or for Russia
pp. 42-57 (Discussion)

The experience of health insurance systems in the Netherlands and Germany is considered. A critical review of the Russian health care financing system is presented, possible ways of reforming compulsory health insurance are proposed. It is concluded that state-budget financing model of health care has relatively higher efficiency compared with insurance medicine.

Key words: health insurance, contributory sickness funds, health financing, antimonopoly regulation, health expenditures

Vlasov V. V., Plavinski S. L.
Review of the state of drug supply in Russia
pp. 58-62 (Reviews)

The current practice of providing the population of the Russian Federation with medicines is considered. A lack of systematic approach to solving this problem is stated. Authors draw attention to the difficulty in carrying out price control measures for of medicines. Conclusion is made that there is no obvious solution to the problem due to the amount of the necessary funds, and to the existing structure of drug supply.

Key words: drug supply, free medicines, outpatient treatment, copayments, social assistance, drug price control