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Comparative Analysis of the Epidemiological Situation and Methods of COVID-19 Control in Some European Countries and Russia in 2020-2021

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2022, pp.62-71 (Research)


Makhkamova Z. R.
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Chair for Public Health and Health Organization1

Sanina G. N.
Assistant, Chair for Public Health and Health Organization1

Simchin S. A.

1 - FSAOU VO «V.I. Vernadsky KFU», Institute «S.I. Georgievsky Medical Academy», Simferopol, Russian Federation

Corresponding Author

Simchin Sergey Alexandrovich; e-mail: 6226566@bk.ru.

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


The article provides a comparative analysis of certain epidemiological indicators of COVID-19 for the period 2020 and 2021 in certain countries of Western Europe and the Russian Federation. Indicators analyzed were the level of general morbidity, the rate of increase in cases per day, the level of hospitalization. the number of recovered and the mortality rate.

Key words

COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, European Union countries, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Russian Federation, Russia, statistics, pandemic



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