Chuprov A. D.
Professor, Doctor of Medicine, Director1
Kuvaitseva Yu. S.
MD, Ophthalmologist1
Pidodniy E. A.
MD, Ophthalmologist1
1 - Orenburg branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Orenburg, Russian Federation
Corresponding Author
Kuvaitseva Yu.S.; e-mail:
The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interest
None declared.
Current methods of studying the angle of the anterior chamber (AAC) make it possible to visualize the structure and anatomical features of the AAC in various modes with high accuracy. In addition, visualization of the AAC in various ways helps to choose the treatment tactics for a patient with complicated cataract combined with lens subluxations. Aim. To compare current methods of visualization of the anterior chamber angle structures and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages in patients with different variants of its structure and features. Material and methods. The study involved 10 patients (10 eyes) who underwent a diagnostic examination using the Anterion OCT device (Heidelberg), the GS-1 electronic gonioscope (NIDEK-CO, LTD), and also performed ultrasound biomicroscopy using the Accutome device (USA) in the Orenburg branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution. Results. After a detailed examination of the AAC before and after surgery using modern imaging techniques, the advantages and disadvantages of the abovementioned devices were revealed. Conclusion. The complex application of the presented methods of AAC visualization will allow a qualitative and detailed assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the results of surgical treatment of glaucoma.
Key words
anterior chamber angle, imaging techniques, GS-1 gonioscope
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