Borisov I. V.
Junior Researcher1
Bondar V. A.
Kudinov D. A.
Nekrasova Yu. Yu.
Kanarsky M. M.
Junior Researcher1
Pradhan P.
Junior Researcher1
Sorokina V. S.
Junior Researcher1
Redkin I. V.
MD, PhD1
1 - Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology», Moscow, Russian Federation
2 - National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health Federal state autonomous institution of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 - Digital Developer LLC, Kudrovo, Russian Federation
Corresponding Author
Borisov Ilya; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
The article deals with the problems and prospects of applying information technologies in healthcare in Russia. The general model of information technologies, problems and ways of dealing with the restrictions from Western IT companies are highlighted. In view of the digitalization of the healthcare system in our country, the article discusses the need to ensure the continuity and independence from external influence of information technology systems in its full cycle: from client terminals, communication systems, to data storage and processing servers. The most important factor that allows us to speak with confidence about the development of specialized IT solutions in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation is an effective state policy in ensuring the digitalization of the economy: national projects, government programs, changes in legislation, roadmaps for achieving key indicators.
Key words
healthcare, artificial intelligence, technologies, remote technologies, medicine, assistance, rehabilitation
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