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Prospects for Monitoring Intraocular Pressure Using Transpalpebral Tonometry

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 2, 2022, pp.10-24 (Research)


Filippova O. M.
MD, PhD, Research Associate, Glaucoma Department1

Bessmertny A. M.
Doctor of Medicine, Senior Researcher, Glaucoma Department1

Kuzin M. N.
Certification Engineer2

Petrov S. Yu.
Doctor of Medicine, Head, Glaucoma Department1

1 - Helmholtz National Medical Research Center of Eye Diseases, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 - Research and Development Center of Yelatma Instrument Making Enterprise, JSC, Ryazan, Russian Federation

Corresponding Author

Olga M. Filippova, e-mail: changa2@mail.ru.


The study had no sponsorship.

Conflict of interest

None declared.


Purpose: evaluate the safety and convenience of self-use by users of the intraocular pressure tonometer TVGD-02 in home practice without the involvement of medical professionals. Material and methods. 42 people formed 30 pairs: user-patient and user-assistant. In 18 cases (9 pairs), each person from the pair was in the role of both a patient and an assistant. The participants were independently trained at home in the technique of transpalpebral measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP), tested on the control circuit of the device and measured IOP to the user-patient. In the questionnaire, users assigned points, rating the convenience and safety of use of the tonometer. Results. Among the assistant users, individuals were represented (59.68±17.2 [22; 83] years) with different educational levels. Of the patient users (60.64±17.1 [22; 82] years), 82.14% of the study participants were persons with ocular pathology, and 35.7% of the patients had glaucoma with concomitant pathology. In 100% of cases, the participants were able to independently figure out how to properly prepare the tonometer for operation and perform IOP measurement. The accuracy and reproducibility of the measurement results significantly increased with the improvement of the skills of working with the tonometer: on the 1st day, the dispersion in the series of control measurements was 2.07±1.7 [7; 0] mm Hg. article, and IOP of the user-patient of 2.89±1,91 [8; 0], and on the 5th day, the measurement accuracy is significantly increased, and dispersion decreased to 1.21±0,72 [2; 0] and 0.85±0,69 [2; 0] mm Hg. accordingly. Users rated the ease of performing various stages of using the device from 4.21±0.67 to 5.0±0.0 points. Conclusion. Transpalpebral tonometry using the TVGD-02 tonometer makes it possible to adequately assess IOP in patients with assisted tonometry in home practice. Independent study of information about the principles of operation of the device and the method of working with it makes it possible to acquire the skills of using the tonometer without the participation of medical personnel.

Key words

transpalpebral tonometry, intraocular pressure, glaucoma, self-monitoring



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