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Review of Medical Thermometry: From the Advent to Modern Applications

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 3, 2021, pp.75-90 (Reviews)


Borisov I. V.
Junior Researcher1

Bondar V. A.

Kudinov D. A.
Junior Researcher1

Kanarskii M. M.
Junior Researcher1

Nekrasova J. J.
Junior Researcher1

Dmitriev D. A.

1 - Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology, Moscow district, Russia
2 - National Medical Research Center for Children's Health, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding Author

Borisov Ilya; e-mail: realzel@gmail.com

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


The article describes the first and modern devices for the study of temperature, their principles of operation and the prospects for the development of medical thermometry in clinical practice, along with the use of information technologies, their advantages and disadvantages. The prospects for the use of thermometry using remote methods of recording temperature, wearable devices, the Internet of medical things, telemedicine, big data for patients in rehabilitation at home as part of continuous monitoring of the state of health are considered. The article emphasizes the importance of measuring body temperature by remote thermometry as one of the main diagnostic markers of infection during the pandemic of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus infection. Also, the importance of thermometry for the timely appointment of antipyretic therapy, control over the course of various diseases and the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment is considered.

Key words

healthcare, thermometry, technology, remote sensing technologies, medicine, internet of things, IOMT, rehabilitation, COVID-19



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