Panova I. E.
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Vice-Director for Research1
Samkovich E. V.
Junior Researcher, Ophtalmologist1
ORCID 0000-0002-5573-5712
1 - S. Fyodorov «Eye Microsurgery» Federal State Institution, St. Petersburg Branch, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Corresponding Author
Samkovich Elena; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
To date, there is no doubt that the study of the features of vascularization of choroidal melanoma using modern methods of instrumental diagnostics is not only of diagnostic value, but also determines the choice of treatment tactics and allows predicting the course of the tumor process. Purpose. To study the diagnostic capabilities of various research methods in visualization of the neovascular network of small and medium-sized choroidal melanoma. Material and methods. 5 patients (45 eyes) with choroidal melanoma (19 men, 26 women), aged 22 to 84 (56.03 ±15.29) years, underwent complex diagnostics using various methods of studying the blood supply to the tumor: ultrasound in the color Doppler mode mapping, indocyanine green angiography and spectral optical coherence tomography-angiography. Results. The different diagnostic significance of instrumental methods for the identification of neovascular vasculature in «small» and «medium» choroidal melanomas was established: indocyanine green angiography – 89%, OCT angiography – 71%, ultrasound – 77%. In case of «small» choroidal melanomas, indocyanine green angiography (83%) and OCT angiography (79%) are highly diagnostic in detecting tumor blood supply, while the first type of angioarchitectonics of the neovascular bed was diagnosed with a significantly higher frequency. In case of «medium» melanoma of the choroid, the informative value of angiography with indocyanine green and ultrasound examination was highly significant and made it possible to diagnose the vascular network in all the cases studied. Choroidal melanomas of these sizes are characterized by the presence of predominantly the second type of angioarchitectonics (81%), in which the hypervascular nature of blood flow was significantly more often determined. Conclusion. The results of this study demonstrate that the use of an integrated diagnostic approach provides a high diagnostic value in the study of blood supply to choroidal melanoma, which determines the prospects for continuing this study with the aim of a detailed study of the angioarchitectonics of choroidal melanoma.
Key words
choroidal melanoma, Doppler ultrasound imaging, ultrasound in ophthalmology, ophthalmic oncology, blood supply to choroidal melanoma, angioarchitectonics of choroidal melanoma, indocyanine green angiography, optical coherence tomography angiography
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