Balabaeva E. A.
Matrosova Yu. V.
The Academician S.N. Fyodorov FSBI IRTC «Eye Microsurgery» Tambov branch, Tambov, Russian Federation
Corresponding author
Balabaeva Ekaterina; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
Binocular vision provides the perception of the object as a whole due to the fusion. The weakness of fusion mechanisms can cause the asthenopic complaints, decreased work capacity and limitations in professional activities. The main qualitative characteristic of binocular vision is deep, stereoscopic vision. The change of fusion reserves in children, depending on the degree of myopia and the method of correction is insufficiently studied. The article presents a comparative analysis of the fusion reserves in children with mild and average myopia in association with spectacle and orthokeratological correction. The study included 140 patients, divided into 4 groups of 35 people: group I included patients with mild myopia in association with spectacle correction; group II – average degree of myopia in association with spectacle correction; group III – mild myopia in association with orthokeratological correction; group IV – average degree of myopia in association with orthokeratological correction. In these groups fusion-positive and fusion-negative reserves were determined using synoptophore (synoptiscope L-2510HB). The improvement of fusion reserves was noted as a result of wearing orthokeratological lenses in patients with mild and average degree of myopia, which was accompanied by the improvement in the quality of vision and decrease in asthenopic complaints.
Key words
myopia, fusion reserves, binocular vision, orthokeratological correction, spectacle correction
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