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The comparative analysis of spatial contrast sensitivity in myopic patients in association with spectacle and orthokeratological correction

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2019, pp.87-93 (Research)


Sharapov I. Yu.

Matrosova Yu. V.
MD, PhD, Head, Children’s Department1

1 - The Academician S.N. Fyodorov FSBI IRTC «Eye Microsurgery» Tambov branch, Tambov, Russian Federation

Corresponding author

Sharapov Ilya; e-mail: naukatmb@mail.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


Purpose. To perform the comparative analysis of the threshold contrast sensitivity in myopic patients using spectacle correction as well as orthokeratological correction. Material and methods. The parameters of monochrome spatial sensitivity were examined in 24 patients (48 eyes) diagnosed with average myopia. All patients were divided into two groups. Group I included patients using orthokeratological lens not less than 6 months. Group II included patients with spectacle correction. To determine threshold contrast sensitivity the computer software «Zebra» (version 3) was applied. Results. The comparative analysis showed that the valid values of threshold contrast sensitivity were higher in patients with orthokeratological correction at the medium spatial frequencies (4 and 8 cycles/deg). At the low and high spatial frequencies no significant differences were detected. Conclusion. The positive influence of the orthokeratological lens on the spatial contrast sensitivity at the medium frequencies allows us to recommend this method of correction to receive the best central vision in patients with average myopia in comparison with spectacle correction.

Key words

ophthalmology, spatial contrast sensitivity, myopia



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