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Features of Extragastrointesinal Signs of Helicobacter Pylori Infection

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2019, pp.67-86 (Reviews)


Martusevich A. K.
Doctor of Biology, Head, Laboratory of Medical Biophysics, University Hospital1

Shulgina E. M.
Assistant, Chair for Hospital Therapy2

Simonova Zh. G.
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Chair for Hospital Therapy2

1 - Volga Research Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2 - Kirov State Medical University, Kirov, Russia

Corresponding Author

Martusevich Andrew; e-mail: cryst-mart@yandex.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


The purpose of the review was to systematize modern views on some extra-gastrointestinal manifestations of Helicobacter pylori infection, having the immune-metabolic nature. Based on the analysis of the literature data, the concept of «continuum of Helicobacter pylori infection», previously including mainly gastrointestinal manifestations of Helicobacter pylori, was expanded. The variety of functional and organic disorders resulting from the presence of this infection is shown. Proven and potential mechanisms of Helicobacter-associated pathology development, systematized according to the principle of the affected organs and systems isolation, are revealed. The predominant role of immune and metabolic disorders in the pathogenesis of most of the considered pathological conditions is emphasized. Thus, Helicobacter pylori-infection, a classic example of «therapeutic infections», traditionally considered as the cause of the pathology of the gastroduodenal zone, has recently acquired features of a polymorphic disease with multiple clinical masks and heterogeneous mechanisms for the implementation of pathological effects, sometimes forming vicious circles and revealing a synergistic effect.

Key words

Íelicobacter pylori, extragastrointesinal signs, therapeutic infections



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