Rozenfeld I. I.
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Chair for Pathological Physiology1
Donskov S. A.
PhD (Agriculture), Senior Lecturer, Chair for Histology, Embryology and Cytology1
Chilikina D. L.
Student, Faculty of Pediatrics1
Akopyan A. V.
Student, Therapeutic Faculty1
Kukharchuk A. N.
Faculty of Pediatrics1
Mamedsahatova L. A.
Student, Faculty of Pediatrics1
Pacoeva H. M.
Student, Faculty of Pediatrics1
1 - Tver State Medical University, Tver, Russian Federation
Corresponding Author
Rozenfeld Igor; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
An experimental study was conducted on 60 white laboratory rats. This work was carried out on female rats of the out-bred population of the «Wistar» line weighing from 150 to 170 grams and the age of one year. All animals were divided into the following 3 research groups (20 animals each): group I (control intact group), which was not given alcohol; group II (the first experimental group), in which 70% ethyl alcohol was administered orally every day for 6 months at a dosage of 1 ml; group III (the second experimental group of rats) included offspring from the first experimental group after drinking alcohol; they also received 70% ethyl alcohol by oral route for 6 months every day at a dosage of 1 ml. To assess the results, the animals underwent laparotomy under ether anesthesia with subsequent liver biopsy and histological verification. In the course of research on laboratory animals, an experimental model of the negative effect of alcohol on the liver was created.
Key words
alcohol, laparotomy, white rats, histological preparations, biopsy, liver, pregnancy, offspring
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