Erofeeva L. N.
Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Chair fop Pharmaceutical Technologies1
Suchkina D. A.
1 - Kursk State Medicine University, Kursk, Russia
Corresponding Author
Erofeeva Lija; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
The results of experimental studies of pharmaceutical factors affecting the release of drugs from ointments using seven ointment bases and model drugs: salicylic acid, insoluble in bases and water, and resorcinol, soluble in water, glycerol and fatty oils are presented. The method of diffusion in gelatin gel showed that the main factors affecting the release of drugs from ointments are the basis and technology. The most rapid and complete release of the active substances occurred from 5% gel sodium carboxymethylcellulose.
Key words
ointments, bases for ointments, technology, salicylic acid, resorcinol
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