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School of the Future: New Methods of Creating Healthy Educational Environment

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 3, 2019, pp.47-67 (Reviews)


Ashina M. V.
PhD, Assistant Professor, Chair for Hygiene1

Kiseleva A. S.
PhD, Assistant, Chair for Hygiene1

Kovalchuk S. N.
Assistant, Chair for Hygiene1

Ashina E. Y.
Student, Medical Faculty1

1 - Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Corresponding Author

Ashina Ekaterina Yurievna, e-mail: ashina.ekaterina@mail.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


Constant search for new healthcare technologies and their integration in educational system helps to save and improve children’s health, decrease prevalence of school-associated diseases and increase back-up capabilities of their body. The aim of the study is to determine modern methods for creation of healthy educational environment. Scientific reports of national and foreign researchers for the period from 2011 to 2018 have been analyzed. As a result, principal healthcare technologies for modern school have been determined. The problems of their implementation were indicated. Some perspectives for wider implementation of healthcare technologies, their finetuning according to the type of school and search for the most valid efficiency evaluation methods are presented.

Key words

healthcare technologies, healthy educational environment, innovation, physical activity, school meals



1. Avetisjan Z.E., Maksimov O.L., Burja E.Ju., Dobaeva N.M., Smol'janinova L.P. Gigienicheskaja ocenka pitanija sel'skih i gorodskih shkol'nikov [Hygienic evaluation of rural and urban schoolchildren nutrition]. Profilakticheskaja medicina i klinicheskaja medicina [Preventive and clinical medicine] 2014; (4): 30-35. (In Russ.)

2. Al'sheva N.I., Kurguzova K.S. Sovremennoe sostojanie shkol'nogo pitanija na primere municipal'nogo unitarnogo predprijatija «Kombinat shkol'nogo pitanija ¹1» municipal'nogo obrazovanija gorod Krasnodar [Current state school meals for example municipal unitary enterprises «Kombinat shkolnogo pitania ¹1» Krasnodar city municipality]. Nauchnye trudy KubGTU [Collected papers of KubGTU] 2017; (14): 26 – 32. (In Russ.)

3. Artjuhova S.I., Tetjusheva I.F. Biotehnologija zernjonogo tvoroga dlja shkol'nogo pitanija [Biotechnology for the production of functional organic food products for nutrition students]. Dinamika sistem, mehanizmov i mashin [Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines] 2014; (6): 66-68. (In Russ.)

4. Ahmetshina R.A., Ahmetzjanova G.Ja., Kuchimova N.A., Bajkina I.M. Ob organizacii pitanija obuchajushhihsja v sel'skih shkolah na primere Nurimanovskogo rajona [On catering services in country schools by the example of Nurimanovsky district]. Bashkirskij jekologicheskij vestnik [Ecological bulletin of Bashkortostan] 2012; (3): 7-10. (In Russ.)

5. Bednyh B.S., Evdokimov I.A. Modelirovanie uglevodnogo sostava v produktah detskogo pitanija: nauchnye i prakticheskie aspekty [Tailoring of the carbohydrate’s composition in the baby foods. Scientific and practical aspects]. Molochnaja promyshlennost' [Milk industry] 2015; (9): 50-52. (In Russ.)

6. Berinskaja I.V., Cjerjendorzh Zh. Zdorov'esberezhenie v shkolah Mongolii: opyt jemiricheskogo issledovanija [Health protecting in Mongolian schools: the experience of empirical studies]. Azimut nauchnyh issledovanii: pedagogika i psihologija [Course of scientific investigation: pedagogy and psychology] 2016; (1): 17-19. (In Russ.)

7. Besedina A.A. Eetapy razvitija seti shkol zdorov'ja v Evrope [The stages of development of health schools net in Europe]. Nauka i shkola [Science and school] 2013; (4): 184-187. (In Russ.)

8. Buzinov R.V., Averina E.A., Ungurjanu T.N. Vlijanie uslovij obrazovatel'noj sredy na sostojanie zdorov'ja detej doshkol'nogo i shkol'nogo vozrasta na territorii Arhangel'skoj oblasti [Effect of the educational environment on children’s health at preschool and school age in the Arkhangelsk region]. Analiz riska zdorov'ju [Health risk analysis] 2015; (3): 27-32. (In Russ.)

9. Bulycheva E.V. Gigienicheskaja harakteristika faktorov vnutrishkol'noj sredy obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenij innovacionnogo tipa [The hygienic characteristic of factors of the intraschool environment, educational instituitions of innovative type]. Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of Orenburg state university] 2011; (16): 248-250. (In Russ.)

10. Gerasimova N.Ju., Magzumova N.V. Mjasorastitel'nye rublenye polufabrikaty iz mjasa strausa dlja pitanija shkol'nikov [Ostrich meat semiproducts for school meals]. Izvestija VUZov. Pishhevaja tehnologija [Reports of university. Nutrition technology] 2011; (4): 28-29. (In Russ.)

11. Gerasimova N.Ju., Kovtun T.V. Vozmozhnosti rasshirenija assortimenta mjasorastitel'nyh produktov funkcional'noj napravlennosti dlja detej shkol'nogo vozrasta [Expansion range of functional meat-and-vegetable products for school age children nutrition]. Izvestija VUZov. Pishhevaja tehnologija [Reports of university. Nutrition technology] 2012; (5-6): 68-70. (In Russ.)

12. Gorelova Zh.Ju. Problemy organizacii i dal'nejshie perspektivy razvitija shkol'nogo pitanija v Rossijskoj Federacii [Problems of organization and further perspectives for development of school meals in the Russian Federation]. Voprosy dietologii [Dietology questions] 2015; (1): 62-66. (In Russ.)

13. Grashhenkov D.V., Kokoreva L.A., Chugunova O.V. Rasshirenie assortimenta produkcii dlja pitanija shkol'nikov (na primere Sverdlovskoj oblasti) [Expansion range of products for school meals (Sverdlovsk region example)]. Racional'noe pitanie, pishhevye dobavki i biostimuljatory [Healthy nutrition, nutrition additives and biostimulators] 2016; (1): 48-52. (In Russ.)

14. Grevcova E.A., Safonkin S.V. Sostojanie organizacii pitanija detej i podrostkov Rjazanskoj oblasti: regional'nyj opyt i perspektivy [The condition of children and teenager’s nutrition organization in Ryazan region: regional experience and prospects]. Rossijskij mediko-biologicheskij vestnik imeni akademika I.P. Pavlova [Russian medico-biological bulletin by I.P. Pavlov] 2013; (1): 78-82. (In Russ.)

15. Dubel' E.V., Fedotov D.M., Kulibina O.V. Gigienicheskaja ocenka primenenija rasshirennogo dvigatel'nogo rezhima v obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenijah [Hygienic assessment of conditions of organization and effectiveness of educational program with advanced propulsion mode in primary school]. Medicinskij alfavit [Medical alphabet] 2016; (32): 46-49. (In Russ.)

16. Ivanova V.N., Tihonov D.A., Tatochenko A.L. Klaster «Social'noe pitanie – Moskva»: vozmozhnosti sovershenstvovanija shkol'nogo pitanija [Cluster «Moscow Social Food»: the possibility of improving school nutrition]. Voprosy ekonomiki i prava [Problems of economics and law] 2016; (8): 45-50. (In Russ.)

17. Isaev V.A., Simonenko S.V., Antipova T.A., Felik S.V., Novikova I.I. Puti sovershenstvovanija doshkol'nogo i shkol'nogo pitanija i ukreplenija zdorov'ja detej [Steps of improving nutrition in school]. Pishhevaja promyshlennost' [Nutrition industry] 2017; (7): 43-45. (In Russ.)

18. Karmanova Zh.A., Mazhenova R.B., Iskazhimova A.K., Sulejmenova S.Y., Satybaldina R.B. O realizacii zdorov'esberegajushhih tehnologij v obrazovatel'nom processe [Health care technologies in education]. European Researcher 2014; (66): 89-94. (In Russ.)

19. Kuchma V.R., Tkachuk E.A., Efimova N.V. Gigienicheskaja ocenka intensifikacii uchebnoj dejatel'nosti v sovremennyh uslovijah [Hygienic assessment of the intensification of educational activity of children in modern conditions]. Voprosy shkol'noj i universitetskoj mediciny i zdorov'ja [Problems of school and university medicine and health] 2015; (1): 4-11. (In Russ.)

20. Kuchma V.R. 2018-2027 gody – desjatiletie detstva v Rossii: celi, zadachi i ozhidaemye rezul'taty v sfere zdorov'esberezhenija obuchajushhihsja [Years 2018-2027 – decade of childhood in Russia: goals, objectives and expected results in the sphere of health saving of students]. Voprosy shkol'noj i universitetskoj mediciny i zdorov'ja [Problems of school and university medicine and health] 2017; (3): 4-14. (In Russ.)

21. Kuchma V.R. Vyzovy XXI veka: gigienicheskaja bezopasnost' detej v izmenjajushhejsja srede [Problems of XXI century: hygienic safety of children in changeable conditions]. Voprosy shkol'noj i universitetskoj mediciny i zdorov'ja [Problems of school and university medicine and health] 2016; (3): 4-22. (In Russ.)

22. Kuchma V.R., Gorelova Zh.Ju., Solov'eva Ju.V., Letuchaja T.A., Plac-Koldobenko A.N., Uglov S.Ju. Nauchnoe obosnovanie i razrabotka variantov shkol'nogo menju (12 dnevnyh sutochnyh racionov) s uchetom domashnego pitanija. Osnovnye principy, osobennosti i preimushhestva [Scientific substantiation and working out of a school menu options (12-day daily rations), taking into account domestic supply. The basic principles, features and benefits]. Evrazijskoe nauchnoe ob’edinenie [Eurasia scientific community] 2017; (3): 71-77. (In Russ.)

23. Kuchma V.R., Suhareva L.M., Teksheva L.M., Stepanova M.I., Sazanjuk Z.I. Gigienicheskie aspekty primenenija svetodiodnyh istochnikov sveta dlja obshhego osveshhenija v shkolah [Hygienic problems of LED lights usage in school]. Gigiena i sanitarija [Hygiene and sanitation] 2013; (5): 27-31. (In Russ.)

24. Lavinskij H.H., Bacukova N.L., Borisevich Ja.N. Nutritivnaja podderzhka processov rosta i razvitija detej. Formirovanie zdorov'ja podrastajushhego pokolenija [Nutrition support for growth and development in children. Growing generation health formation]. Zdorov'e i okruzhajushhaja sreda [Health and environment] 2017; (27): 78-81. (In Russ.)

25. Ljah M.A., Proshina Ju.E., Zambrzhickij O.N. Gigienicheskaja ocenka dopolnitel'nogo pitanija shkol'nikov, obuchajushhihsja v zone s periodicheskim radiacionnym kontrolem [Hygienic assessment of supplementary feeding for puils studying in the zone with periodic radiation monitoring]. Zdorov'e i okruzhajushhaja sreda [Health and environment] 2014; (24): 262-264. (In Russ.)

26. Magomedov G.O., Zacepilina N.P., Slepokurova Ju.I., Cheshinskij V.L. Ekonomicheskie i social'nye aspekty razvitija innovacionnyh tehnologij v oblasti industrii shkol'nogo pitanija [Economic and social aspects of development innovative technologies in the field of industry school meals]. Tehnologii pishhevoj i pererabatyvajushhej promyshlennosti APK – produkty zdorovogo pitanija [Nutrition industry technology – healthy food] 2015; (4): 90-97. (In Russ.)

27. Mamedova N.I. Rol' sovremennogo uchebnogo oborudovanija i jelektronnyh resursov v kognitivnom razvitii uchashhihsja [The role of the modern educational equipment and electronic resources in the cognitive development of students]. Baltijskij gumanitarnyj zhurnal [Baltic humanities journal] 2016; (4): 261-263. (In Russ.)

28. Markova A.I. Shkoly zdorov'ja i zdorov'e shkol'nikov (analiticheskij obzor) [Health promoting schools and health of schoolchildren (Analytical review)]. Gigiena i sanitarija [Hygiene and sanitation] 2013; (3): 60-66. (In Russ.)

29. Mogil'nyj M.P., Valentinova N.I., Sharova T.N. Sovremennye trebovanija k organizacii pitanija shkol'nikov [Modern requirements of nutrition in school]. Uspehi sovremennoj nauki [Achievements of modern science] 2017; (11): 38-45. (In Russ.)

30. Moiseev A.M. Formirovanie kul'tury zdorovogo pitanija u obuchajushhihsja i ih roditelej [Culture of nutrition for schoolchildren and their parents]. Akademicheskij vestnik [Academic bulletin] 2013; (3): 4-11. (In Russ.)

31. Mordvinova I.V. Soderzhatel'nye osnovy zdorov'esberegajushhego vospitanija v shkolah Pol'shi [Content bases for health saving education at Polish schools]. Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scientific reports of P.F. Lesgaft university] 2013; (11): 104 – 110. doi: 10.5930/issn.1994-4683.2013.11.105.p104-110 (In Russ.)

32. Perekusihin M.V., Vasil'ev V.V. Shkol'noe pitanie kak faktor formirovanija zdorov'ja uchashhihsja [School meals as a factor of formation of health of students]. Vestnik Ural'skoj medicinskoj akademicheskoj nauki [Bulletin of Ural’s medical academic science] 2015; (2): 113-114. (In Russ.)

33. Petrenko A.V., Goreva E.A., Zuev A.A., Bazhenova A.A. Formirovanie kul'tury zdorovogo pitanija v obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenijah gorodskoj i sel'skoj mestnosti Juzhno-Ural'skogo regiona [Healthy nutrition in urban and rural educational establishments in Juzhno-Ural region]. Vestnik Cheljabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Obrazovanie i zdravoohranenie (vyp.3) [Bulletin of Chelyabinsk state university. Education and health (vol.3)] 2014; (4): 91-95. (In Russ.)

34. Petchenko V.I., Alimardanova M.K., Petchenko A.A. Pishhevaja cennost' funkcional'nyh produktov dlja shkol'nogo pitanija [Nutrition value of functional products for school meals]. Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj zhurnal «Innovacionnaja nauka» [International scientific journal «Innovative science»] 2015; (5): 123-128. (In Russ.)

35. Popaduka L.A. Vzaimodejstvie sem'i i shkoly po organizacii zdorovogo pitanija mladshih shkol'nikov [Interaction of a family and schools on healthy eating of eounger schoolchildren]. Racional'noe pitanie, pishhevye dobavki i biostimuljatory [Healthy nutrition, nutrition additives and biostimulators] 2016; (3): 52-57. (In Russ.)

36. Popov V.G., Kalmanovich S.A. Sovremennye metody obogashhenija kulinarnoj produkcii na territorii shkol'nogo pishhebloka [Modern methods of fortification food in school]. Novye tehnologii [New technology] 2012; (2): 41-47. (In Russ.)

37. Potkina O.V., Gorbnova S.V. Problemy obespechenija bezopasnogo pitanija uchashhihsja v obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenijah [Problems of providing safe meals for students in educational institutions]. Vestnik RUDN. Serija Ekologija i bezopasnost' zhiznedejatel'nosti [Bulletin of RUDN. Ecology and safety of life] 2012; (3): 84-93. (In Russ.)

38. Saldan I.P., Filippova S.P., Turchaninov D.V., Okolelova O.V., Vil'ms E.A. Gigienicheskaja ocenka effektivnosti regional'noj programmy modernizacii shkol'nogo pitanija v Altajskom krae [Hygienic evaluation of the efficacy of the regional program of the modernization of school meals (example of the Altai Region)]. Gigiena i sanitarija [Hygiene and sanitation] 2014; (4): 95-100. (In Russ.)

39. Sinicyn V.I. Sostojanie i perspektivy rekonstrukcii sistem otoplenija i ventiljacii v shkolah goroda Moskvy [Air-thermal systems in Moscow school]. Jekologija i stroitel'stvo [Ecology and construction] 2015; (3): 4-8. (In Russ.)

40. Suhareva L.M. Aktual'nye problemy gigieny i ohrany zdorov'ja detej i podrostkov v razvitii nauchnoj platformy «Profilakticheskaja sreda» [Actual problems of children hygiene in development of scientific platform «Preventive environment»]. Voprosy shkol'noj i universitetskoj mediciny i zdorov'ja [Problems of school and university medicine and health] 2015; (3): 10-12. (In Russ.)

41. Tarmaeva I.Ju., Efimova N.V. Gigienicheskaja ocenka pitanija i fizicheskogo razvitija detej, nahodjashhihsja v shkole-internate [Hygienic assessment of nutrition and physical development of cyildren, located in boarding school]. Zdorov'e i obrazovanie v XXI veke [Health and education in XXI century] 2016; (11): 93-97. (In Russ.)

42. Ustinova G.N. Praktika realizacii modeli «Shkola zdorov'ja» [Practice of «Health school» model implementation]. Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie i nauka [Pedagogic education and science] 2012; (10): 28-32. (In Russ.)

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45. Hrebtova A.Ju., Goreva E.A., Petrenko A.V. Stereotipy pitanija detej v shkol'nyh kollektivah [Stereotypes of the children nutrition at school associations]. Uchenye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scientific reports of P.F. Lesgaft university] 2015; (4): 190-196. (In Russ.)

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