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Features of Managing Pediatric Patients with Different Stages of Keratoconus

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 2, 2019, pp.119-127 (Research)


Belikov S. V.

Fabrikantov O. L.
Doctor of Medicine, Director1; Head, Chair for Ophtalmology2

Matrosova Y. V.
Head, Pediatric Department1

Kopylov A. E.

Goydin D. A.

1 - Federal State Autonomous Institution «S.N. Fedorov National Medical Research Center MNTK ”Eye Microsurgery”» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Rasskazovskoe highway, 1, Tambov, Russian Federation, 392000
2 - Derzhavin Tambov State University, Medical Institute, Tambov, Russian Federation, 392000

Corresponding author

Sergey V. Belikov; e-mail: naukatmb@mail.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


Purpose. To detect the presence of the primary corneal alterations typical for keratoconus, with the further determination of the optimal tactics of managing and treating children, using the conventional methods of diagnosis. Methods. 20 patients (28 eyes), aged 14-18 years were examined. Patients were split into three groups depending on the stage of keratoconus. All patients underwent projection scanning topography (Pentacam, Oculus, Germany) besides the routine examinations. An elevation map of the anterior and posterior corneal surface was evaluated. The follow-ups were 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Results. In 100% of patients of group I the constant indices of visual acuity, keratometry and pachymetry were observed within the whole follow-up period. The patients of this group underwent further monitoring. In patients of group II the negative dynamics was noted in 70% (7 eyes) of cases. This group of patients underwent stabilizing treatment (UV crosslinking). After the therapy in all 7 cases the process was stabilized. In all patients of group III the negative dynamics was noted within the whole follow-up. All patients underwent stabilizing treatment. In 86% (6 eyes) of cases the stabilization wasn’t achieved, the patients were recommended to undergo keratoplasty. Conclusion. The obtained results show the importance of the early detection of keratoconus, monitoring and consequently timely necessary treatment to achieve the maximum effect.

Key words

keratoconus, projection scanning topography, crosslinking



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