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Experience with Use of Remote Electrocardiography in Small Cities of the Russian Federation

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 2, 2019, pp.106-118 (Research)


Vishnyakova N. A.
PhD, Head1
ORCID 0000-0001-9111-9645

1 - Polyclinics ¹ 2, Mytishchi city clinical hospital, Mytischi, Moscow region, Russian Federation

Corresponding Author

Nelli A. Vishnyakova; e-mail: Nelli.vishnyakova76@mail.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


Òhe most important resource of the Russian Federation are rural areas, small cities with uneven level of socio-economic development. The strategy of sustainable development of rural areas in Russian Federation until 2020 is aimed at increasing the quality and standard of living of the rural population, including boosting the level of health care for local population. Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) are the leading mortality cause in the population: more than 90% of fatal outcomes, of which 56% are cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Use of remote electrocardiography (RECG) in the organization of medical-diagnostic process in rural areas helped to increase the availability of the service for population and increased by 18% the coverage of electrocardiographic examination method, while greatly reducing the time of processing the results of ECG analysis. In the rural area, remote communication of registration, analysis and archived ECG between district units with the Central district hospital (CRH) was established, allowing for coordination of the actions of the paramedic, working directly at the patient's bedside. Automatic interpretation of ECG compared with the clinical status of the patient allows to reveal the presence of emergency pathology. Organization of simultaneous DECG operation at many rural medical posts led to the explicit economic effect, reducing costs of prophylactic medical checkups of population, diagnostics of emergency conditions, training of functional diagnostics specialists, cutting down processing time for RECG results.

Key words

Remote electrocardiography, cardiovascular diseases, attached rural population, medical and preventive institutions



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