Vagapov T. F.
Deputy Chief Physician1
Baev V. M.
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Chair for Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Emergency Medical Aid at the Faculty of Further Professional Education2
Shmeleva S. A.
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Emergency Medical Aid at the Faculty of Additional Professional Education2
1 - Perm Region Police Hospital, Perm, Russia
2 - Perm State Medical University named after academician E.A. Wagner
Corresponding Author
Baev Valerij; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
Purpose of the study. Study of the characteristics of severity and severity of chronic venous diseases (CVD) in men with arterial hypertension (AH). Material and methods. The object of study – men with hypertension 30-50 years of age. Subject of research – the severity of CVD symptoms. Type of research – single-step (cross-sectional), non-randomized. The study included 74 people with hypertension and 41 men with normal blood pressure. The severity of symptoms and the severity of CVD were determined by the VCSS scale. Results. In hypertension, episodic, not requiring analgesics, pain was recorded in 57% of patients and evening malnour swelling in 28% of men, which is 1.8 and 4 times more often than in men without hypertension. Conclusion. In working-age men with hypertension, more pronounced manifestations of CVD were recorded more often than in men with normal blood pressure. Symptoms of chronic bronchitis in patients with hypertension are moderate, and patients do not resort to additional medical intervention – the use of analgesics and compression therapy.
Key words
arterial hypertension, chronic venous diseases, men
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