Bel'diev S.N.
PhD, Associate Professor, Chair for therapy and cardiology1
Egorova I. V.
PhD, Assistant, Chair for therapy and cardiology1
Gavrilenko N. G.
PhD, Associate Professor, Chair for foreign and Latin languages1
Berezina E. I.
PhD, Associate Professor, Chair for therapy and cardiology1
Medvedeva I. V.
PhD, Associate Professor, Chair for therapy and cardiology1
Platonov D. Yu.
MD, Head, Chair for therapy and cardiology1
1 - Tver State Medical University, Tver, Russia
Corresponding Author
Bel'diev Sergej; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
Authors have no conflict of interest.
The study had no sponsorship.
Since 1997 many clinical cases have been described in foreign literature indicating that the antianginal drug nicorandil can cause gastrointestinal (GI) ulcerations, as well as ulcerations outside the GI tract. Relatively recently data have been presented that in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled IONA trial (Impact of Nicorandil in Angina), the main results of which had been published in 2002, nicorandil had significantly increased the risk of GI ulcerations. The paper discusses in detailed examples how these foreign data are presented in Russian publications.
Key words
nicorandil, ulceration, translation equivalence
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