Grechukhin I. V.
MD PhD, Associated Professor, Chair for Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery1
Kulkov V. N.
MD PhD, Associated Professor, Chair for Public Health and Health Protection with Postgraduate Course1
Fomichyov V. V.
MD PhD, Associated Professor, Chair for Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery1
1 - Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, Russia
Corresponding author
Grechukhin Igor Vladimirovich; e-mail:
The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the principal indicators for morbidity rate of the musculoskeletal system illnesses in children due to traumas, poisonings and some other external causes in the period 2011-2017 to improve the statistical recording of abovementioned pathologies. Material and methods. Authors performed analysis of primary and general morbidity (per 100000 of the population) of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases due to traumas, poisonings and some other external causes in 0-14- and 15-17-years old children based on the data from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the period 2011-2017. Results and discussion. A positive trend in morbidity rate decrease of the musculoskeletal system diseases in child population of Russian Federation in 2011-2017 was identified. Primary morbidity in 0-14 years old children decreased by 19,2% and general morbidity – by 2,4%. In 15-17 years old adolescents primary morbidity decreased by 7,0% and general morbidity – by 0,8%. In Astrakhan region authors observed increase in primary morbidity by 4,0% in 0-14 years old children and by 49,2% in 15-17 years old adolescents. General morbidity increased by 18,2% in 0-14 years old children and by 25,8% in 15-17 years old adolescents. Discrepancy between primary morbidity and general morbidity dynamics indicates drawbacks in the statistics on the pathology. Sufficiently high number (up to 30%) of «other» illnesses, especially in Astrakhan region, indicates drawbacks in official medical statistics. The increase of nationwide primary and general morbidity rates due to traumas and poisonings in 15-17 years old adolescents necessitates further development of the prevention activities and provision of traumatological aid. Statistics on the pathology needs improvement, applying state of the art information technologies.
Key words
analysis, morbidity, children, traumas, diseases, musculoskeletal system
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