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Evaluation of the Work of Day Hospitals and Hospitals at Home in the Russian Federation. Analysis of Statistical Reporting

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 2, 2019, pp.9-23 (Research)


Shlyafer S. I.
Doctor of Medicine, Chief Researcher, Department of Planning and Research Management1

1 - Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding Author

Shlyafer Sofia Isaakovna; e-mail: sofy@yandex.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


The aim of the study. To analyze the indicators characterizing the work of day hospitals and hospitals at home in Russia for 1990-2017 years, to formulate proposals for improving the filling of statistical reporting on their work. Material and methods. The normative legal documents regulating the organization of activities of day hospitals and hospitals at home, management of reporting documentation were studied. Analysis of the work of day hospitals and hospitals at home in medical organizations was conducted according to the forms of sectoral statistical observation ¹ 14ds «Information on the activities of day hospitals medical organizations» for 2002-2017 years; Federal statistical observation ¹ 47 «Information about the network and activities of health organizations» for 1990-2001 and 2014-2017. The methods used: content analysis, analytical, statistical. Results and discussion. The assessment of work of day hospitals and hospitals at home in the Russian Federation for 28 years showed growth: number of beds in day hospitals of the hospital organizations and of the polyclinics – more than 13,0 times respectively; provision with beds of day hospitals of the hospital organizations – from 0,4 to 6,5 per 10 thousand of the population, day hospitals of polyclinics – from 0,8 to 10,6 per 10 thousand of the population; number of the treated patients in day hospitals of the hospital organizations – by 36,0 times, in day hospitals of polyclinics – 13,2 times, in hospitals at home – 2,45 times; the number of treated patients per 1000 population in day hospitals of hospital organizations increased from 0,6 to 20,7, in day hospitals of polyclinics – from 2,6 to 34,7, in hospitals at home – from 0,9 to 2,2. During 2000-2017, the average duration of treatment in day hospitals: hospital organizations decreased by 2,9 days, polyclinics – by 0,7 days, in hospitals at home – by 1,4 days. Management of reporting documentation on work of day hospitals and hospitals at home was studied. It was established that additions and changes were made to the form of sectoral statistical observation ¹ 14ds, which are not approved by regulatory documents and are not specified in the instructions for its completion and make it difficult to analyze the activities of day hospitals and hospitals at home. Conclusions. In the Russian Federation, for 28 years, an increase in the performance of day hospitals and hospitals at home in medical organizations has been noted. In 2017, in the subjects of the Russian Federation, the difference in indicators provision with beds of day hospitals of the hospital organization and polyclinics differed by 6,0 times (from 5,5 per 10 thousand population in the Republic of Dagestan to 32,9 in the Ivanovo region) and the number of patients treated in day hospitals and hospitals at home per 1000 population – by 5,9 times (from 15,2 in the Republic of Dagestan to 90,6 in the Magadan Region). Proposals to improve the filling of statistical reporting on the work of day hospitals and hospitals at home in medical organizations are formulated.

Key words

day hospital, hospital at home, reporting documentation



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