Dilenyan L. R.
PhD, Assistant, Chair for Rehabilitation1
Belkania G. S.
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of laboratory2
Martusevich A. K.
Doctor of Biology, Head, University clinics laboratory for medical biophysics1
1 - Volga Research Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod
2 - Laboratory of medical expert systems "Antropos Systems Lab.", Vinnitsa, Ukraine
Corresponding Author: Martusevich Andrew; e-mail: Conflict of interest: None declared. Funding: The study had no sponsorship.
We examined 212 healthy man with standard veloergometry test with gradual elevation of power in sitting and prone positions. Electrocardiogram, blood pressure, heart rate was registered. Tetrapolar rheography was used for estimate blood minute volume, heart strike volume, brain blood flow. Tissue conductivity was used for skin blood flow testing. Data were analyzed with coordination for I and III type of blood circulation. It was shown that there are clear changes between hemodynamic reactivity in sitting and prone positions. These changes were dependent on duration of physical exercises and illustrated by prolongation of the period of cardiovascular activation in recovery time. We fixed that longest period of this increase was registered for blood flow in brain and, especially, in skin. These tendencies may be associated with hemodynamic debt and demonstrate adaptation to physical exercises and restorative potential.
Key words
veloergometry, adaptation, physical exercises, anthropology, hemodynamics type
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