S. A. Rozhnova
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Head, Chair for Pharmacy1
A. V. Tsypkina
Postgraduate Student, Chair for Pharmacy1
1 - Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU)
Corresponding Author
Anastasia V. Tsypkina, e-mail:
The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The article analyzes the results of the implementation of the program «Development of pharmaceutical and medical industry» for 2013-2020 concerning the range of portfolios of domestic manufacturers, and the introduction of reference drugs to the Russian market. Replenishment of anatomical and therapeutic groups, as well as the relationship between the state requests for drug provision and drugs introduced in the state register of medicines are studied.
Key words
The introduction of new drugs, the reference of the medicines, development strategy
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