Bogomolova E. S.
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head, Chair for Hygiene1
Kiseleva A. S.
PhD, Assistant, Chair for Hygiene1
Kovalchuk S. N.
Assistant, Chair for Hygiene1
1 - Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Nizhniy Novgorod
Corresponding Author
Kiseleva Anna Sergeevna, e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
Assessment of physical development in children requires universal method. That will provide for timely solution of healthcare and prevention, as well as vocational and athletic guidance in organized children groups. The aim of the study is to determine actual methods of studying and estimating children growth and development for identification of modern secular trend. The article provides analysis of national and foreign scientific reports from 2011 to 2018, determining the main tendencies in children’s physical development. The methods of estimation were systematized. Perspectives for finding and implementing the most effective and informative methods of diagnostics of health problems, prevention and correction of development deviations and forecasts of potential changes in human biology have been presented.
Key words
estimation of physical development, children and teenagers, secular trend
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