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Sickness Rate in Teenagers of Krasnoyarsk Region Based on Healthcare Encounters

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 4, 2018, pp.58-68 (Research)


Kutumova O. Yu.
PhD, Chief Physician1

1 - Krasnoyarsk regional center of medical prophylaxis, Krasnoyarsk

Corresponding Author

Kutumova Olga Yur'evna; e-mail: kutum111@mail.ru


The study had no sponsorship.

Conflict of interests

None declared.


The important criterions, defining the prospects of vital activity for teenagers are the level and the structure of their sickness rate. For the purpose separate classes of diseases are defined, based on the analysis of healthcare encounters in teenagers. Author analyses general, primary and health examination related sickness rates in teenagers of Krasnoyarsk region for the period 2016-2017. Based on complex assessment of these indexes (by the sum of ranks and coefficient of the relative significance) priorities of separate classes of diseases are determined. Principal (rated by specific significance) are diseases of an eye and its annexal structures, osteomuscular system and connecting tissues, mental and behavioral disorders, diseases of the digestive system, endocrine system, nutrition and metabolic disorders, diseases of respiratory organs, circulatory, nervous and urinogenital systems making 93,0% of total. That is significant for perfection of preventive, medical and diagnostic technologies.

Key words

incidence of teenagers, complex assessment, the quantitative significance of classes of diseases



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