Morugova T. V.
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head, Chair for Endocrinology1
Ibragimova O. Y.2
PhD, Head, Department for Endocrinology2
Artamonova I. V.
PhD, Endocrinologist2
Avzaletdinova D. Sh.
PhD, Assistant Professor, Chair for Endocrinology1
1 - Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia
2 - City Clinical Hospital # 21, Ufa, Russia
Corresponding Author
Avzaletdinova Diana; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
In the article authors present the case report of late diagnostic and treatment of 6 mm insulinoma located in the head of pancreas in 60 years old female patient. The disease manifested as an acute cerebrovascular disease and proceeded atypically. None of the imaging studies, including selective angiography combined with hepatic venous sampling for insulin after intra-arterial calcium administration has given an idea of an unambiguous disposition of a tumor. Intraoperative pancreas exploration by palpation ended in wrong localization of insulinoma. Contradictory data of topic diagnostics have caused the inadequate volume of primary surgical treatment causing the necessity of repeated surgery. Long-term persistent hypoglycemia induced encephalopathy and multiple organ failure resulted in lethal outcome although the source of insulin excess has been liquidated. This clinical case emphasizes need of vigilance concerning insulin-producing tumors at patients with clinical picture of stroke in combination with a hypoglycemia.
Key words
tumor of pancreas, insulin, beta-cells
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