Matrosova Yu. V.
Head, Children’s Department1
Kutimova E. Yu.
Ophthalmologist, Children’s Department1
Fabrikantov O. L.
Doctor of Medicine, Director1; Head, Chair for Ophtalmology2
Shutova S. V.
PhD, Researcher1; Head, Chair for Medical Biology and Communicable Diseases2
Vasil’chenko A. A.
1 - S.N. Fedorov NMRC «MNTK »Eye Microsurgery«, Tambov branch
2 - Derzhavin Tambov State University, Medical Institute, Tambov, Russia
Corresponding author
Kutimova Elena; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
Binocular vision disorder is an important problem in ophthalmology. Disbinocular disorders occur not only in strabismus (even previously operated), but also in anisometropic amblyopia. We performed a comparative analysis of the efficacy of treating patients with operated strabismus, who in addition to standard orthoptics received home training, using a computer program «Little magician», and patients with anisometric amblyopia treated with lasers of red and green speckles. Despite the different etiopathogenetic factor, both groups showed positive dynamics in the development of binocular functions, with the prevalence of group I.
Key words
ophthalmology, strabismus, orthoptics, laser pleoptics, binocular vision, amblyopia, computer software
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