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Evaluation of diagnostic efficiency of preliminary immunochromatographic analysis during chemical-toxicological studies on synthetic cathinones

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 3, 2018, pp.140-152 (Research)


Grebenkina E. V.

Gavryushov S. A.

Lisovskaya S. B.

Kardonsky D. A.

1 - FSAEI HE I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenovskiy University)
119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya Str. 8


The article presents a method for assessing the diagnostic effectiveness of immunochromatographic analysis in hardware-software execution during chemical-toxicological studies and establishing the level of "cutoff" with the probability of detection of synthetic cathinones in persons directed to medical examination of establishment intoxications. New immunochromatographic test systems at the stage of screening can detect synthetic cathinones in the urine in the range from 20 ng/ml. The overall accuracy of the test was 92.3%. Therefore, to confirm a positive result obtained during screening, on the second stage of chemical-toxicological researches, it is necessary to have a reliable method for detecting analytes in the urine when they are found at low concentrations. Such methods include gas chromatography with mass-selective detection (GC-MS).

Key words

synthetic cathinones, immunochromatographic analysis, sensitivity, specificity, ROC-analysis



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