Êrylova I. À.
PhD, assistant, Chair for Family Medicine1
Slobodjanjuk À. L.
PhD, Assistant professor, Chair for Family Medicine1
1 - Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
Corresponding author: Êrylova Irina; e-mail: Conflict of interest. None declared. Funding. The study had no sponsorship.
Clinical practice lacks studies on association of low level of physical activity with the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), as well as the problem of early diagnosis of risk factors for chronic diseases in patients considering themselves healthy. Purpose. To study the evidence of cardiovascular risk in outpatients depending on their physical activity and the presence of suboptimal health status. Material and methods. An observational descriptive study conducted from 2016 to 2018 surveyed 358 people (155 men and 203 women aged 18 to 60 years) considering themselves healthy and/or not seeking medical attention for the last 3 months. The main CVD risk factors were studied, and individual cardiovascular risk was determined applying the SCORE scale. The level of physical activity was determined by IPAQ questionnaire of physical activity. The presence of suboptimal health status was identified by the international questionnaire SHSQ-25. Data processing was performed in Microsoft Excel 2010 and Statistica 10.0 and evaluated for the normal distribution using the calculation of Pearson's criterion χ2. Results. The interrelation of CVD risk factors with body mass index, indicators of total cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose and family history were revealed. Values of CVD risk factors indicators were significantly different in all groups of patients with different levels of physical activity. Differences in physical activity and suboptimal status were determined in the low-risk group of CVD. Discussion. Significant data on the study of physical activity at low cardiovascular risk in patients considering themselves healthy were obtained for practical medicine. The importance of studying the suboptimal status in patients with low cardiovascular risk is proven. Conclusion. For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in outpatients considering themselves healthy, it is necessary to take into account the level of physical activity and the presence of suboptimal health status.
Key words
Cardiovascular diseases, physical activity, suboptimal status
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