Prisenko V. G.1
PhD, Assistant Professor, Chair for Theory and Methods of Adaptive Physical Culture, Physical Rehabilitation and Health Technologies
Makhkamova Z. R.2
PhD, Assistant Professor, Chair for Public Health and Health Care
Demarko A.V.3
Lecturer, Chair for Medical Physics and Informatics
1 - V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Taurida Academy, Simferopol
2 - V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Medical Academy, Simferopol
3 - V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Physics and Technology Institute, Simferopol
Corresponding author: Demarko Anna; e-mail: Conflict of interest: None declared. Funding: The study had no sponsorship.
The goal of the study – to reorganize the medical personnel management system in the region. The methodology – economics and mathematical modelling. The result – optimization of medical personnel management at the regional level (Republic of Crimea).
Key words
region, model, matrix, human recourses, medical personnel, management system
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