Martusevich A. K.
Doctor of Biology, Head, Laboratory for Medical Byophysics1
Krivonogova P. L.
Graduate Student, Chair for Dermatology and Venerology1
Bitkina O. A.
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Chair for Dermatology and Venerology1
1 - Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod
Corresponding Author
Martusevich Andrew; e-mail:
Conflict of interest
None declared.
The study had no sponsorship.
The aim of the study was to estimate the features of dehydration structurization of the cystic fluid in a wide range of bullous dermatoses. To achieve this goal the cystic fluid was collected in patients with Duhring herpetiformis dermatitis (n=13), pemphigus (n=15), shingles (n=17), eczema (n=18), allergic contact dermatitis (n=10), bullous pemphigoid (n=4), phytophotodermatitis (n=6) and other diseases associated with blistering. All samples of biological fluid were studied by teziocrystalloscopy using our own system of semi-quantitative parameters. Assessment of crystallogenic properties of cystic fluid allowed demonstration of qualitative and quantitative differences in morphostructure of cystic fluid facies, making it possible to assume differential diagnostic value of the study of biological substrate in patients with bullous dermatoses.
Key words
biocrystallomics, dermatology, crystallogenic properties, cystic fluid
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