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Modeling of oxidative and psychoemotional stress in rats with the effect of pyrimidine derivatives

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 2, 2018, pp.94-105 (Research)


Rozenfeld I. I.
MD PhD, Chair for Pathological Physiology Tver State Medical University, Tver, Russia.1

Lobynceva E. A.
Student, Medical Faculty1

1 - Tver State Medical University, Tver, Russia.

Corresponding Author

Rozenfeld Igor; e-mail: iiggo@mail.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


In an experimental study, 60 animals were used. Depending on the amount of thiamine in the diet, the animals were divided into following 3 research groups (20 each): control group I – with a normal diet; group II – thiamine was completely absent in the diet, products containing vitamin B1 were excluded; group III – in the diet, foods rich in vitamin B1 predominated. To evaluate the results, artificial impact was applied by hot air flow with noise, an «open field» installation, an «elevated cross-shaped labyrinth» installation. In the course of the experiments, it was found that a decrease in daily thiamine negatively affects cognitive abilities, the resistance of the organism to a stress factor decreases.

Key words

oxidative stress, psychoemotional stress, pyrimidine derivatives, thiamine, vitamine B1



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