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On the state of modern chronic patient problem

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 2, 2018, pp.51-56 (Letters)


Vyazova A. V.
PhD, physiotherapist1

1 - Sanatorium the «Saharnyj kljuch», Public Joint-Stock Company of «Primoravtotrans», Vladivostok, Russia

Corresponding Author

Vyazova Anna; å-mail: medway@mail.ru

Conflict of interest

None declared.




The author draws attention to certain aspects of the problem of the modern chronic patient. A person, becoming sick, does not cease to be an individual person, an active subject of life. With the advent of chronic disease, a new social situation of development arises, containing the possibility of provoking a situationally conditioned crisis of personality development, the appearance of new symptom complexes, forming the phenomenon of modern medicine – a chronic patient. The relevance of the problem is growing particularly since the increased life expectancy, «modernization» of lifestyle associated with the rise of risk factors for many chronic diseases and the improved life-saving possibility in previously terminal cases change the structure of morbidity facing healthcare system. The main idea of the proposed concepts of disease-burden analysis in world healthcare systems presents an attempt of qualitative integrated assessment of health conditions while taking in consideration various social roles at different ages and their measurements over time. In-depth causes of the crisis of health changes in a globalizing world can be understood using the new knowledge in medicine and other sciences.

Key words

modern medicine, chronic patient



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