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High-tech medical care in ophthalmology: organizational and informational aspects

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 1, 2018, pp.72-86 (Research)


Tereshchenko A. V.
Doctor of Medicine, Director1

Trifanenkova I. G.
PhD, Director for Science1

Alhimova D. V.

1 - Kaluga Branch of Federal State Autonomous Institution «Interbranch Scientific and Technical Complex ”Eye Microsurgery” Named after Academician S. N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, Kaluga

Corresponding Author

Trifanenkova Irina G., e-mail: nauka@eye-kaluga.com

Conflict of interest

None declared.


The study had no sponsorship.


Purpose. To consider the organizational and informational aspects of high-technology medical care in Kaluga branch of «Eye Microsurgery». Material and methods. Kaluga branch of «Eye Microsurgery» is among the medical institutions providing high-tech medical care to the patients with different ophthalmopathologies. A subsystem of the high-tech medical care coupons accounting was introduced within own medical information system of the branch to optimize work with the state monitoring subsystem of high-tech medical care providing. Results. Analysis of the data showed that in Kaluga branch of «Eye Microsurgery» all kinds of high-tech medical care by «ophthalmology» profile are performed. The significant part of high-tech medical care is the most difficult vitreoretinal surgery, as well as high-tech medical care to children with retinopathy of prematurity (every fifth treated patient by high-tech medical care is a child). Patients from all regions of Russia come to the branch for high-tech medical care. Own branch medical information system allowed to organize the optimal interaction with the state monitoring subsystem of high-tech medical care providing, to establish internal accounting of patients receiving high-tech medical care, to optimize the workflow. Occasionally occurring unusual situations in the absence of the relevant regulations resolve promptly, so that every patient could receive the full volume of necessary medical care at a high level. Conclusion. The allocation of high-tech medical care in the system of state guarantees significantly increases the volume of its ophthalmological care that uses modern micro-invasive, resource-intensive treatment methods, and to incorporate into clinical practice the latest treatment methods. However, despite the overall successful operation of the Federal program for high-tech medical care providing there are a number of organizational issues that require further developmental work and correction.

Key words

high-tech ophthalmological care, ophthalmology, the state monitoring subsystem of high-tech medical care providing, medical information system



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