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Crimes committed by medical workers as a result of improper performance of their professional duties (based on the case-law of the European part of Russia 2015-2017)

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 1, 2018, pp.1-14 (Discussion)


Grishin S. M.
Candidate of Law, Lawyer of the Moscow bar, lecturer at the Higher School of Economics


The article, based on factual materials, considers the problem of crimes, resulting from improper performance by medics of their professional duties. The shortcomings of criminal statistics that do not allow creating an integral picture of the situation in the area developing in the country are analyzed, difficulties are noted with the identification of such crimes and the bringing of the perpetrators to criminal liability. The analysis of separate sentences in respect of doctors, through the fault of which the patients were killed, is given. The conclusion is made that the existing criminal legislation does not correspond to the objective needs of protecting the rights of the patient, and proposals are made to improve the effectiveness of forensic medical examinations in criminal cases on professional crimes of medical workers.

Key words

crimes with serious consequences, medical workers, crime statistics, medical error, forensic medical examination



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