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Sex and Age DALY Features among Prisoners in Volga federal district

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 3, 2017, pp.188-199 (Research)


Tulenkov A. M.
PhD, Head, Department for studying the problems of internal pathology, socially significant diseases, hygiene and ecology, Federal State Institution Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Russia, Moscow. E-mail: filialniifsin@mail.ru


The problem of assessment of the state of health of prisoners has great social value for society. The correct assessment of the importance of this or that pathology in population of convicts is a key element, the defining volume of necessary intervention, directed to preservation and promotion of health of prisoners. Purpose. The analysis of the disability adjusted life years (DALY) owing to violations of health for 2006-2016 considered as the integrated indicator characterizing the state of health of prisoners of the Volga federal district. Materials and methods. The state of prisoner’s health was estimated on the basis of these departmental reports, using the World Health Organization's recommended method for determining disability adjusted life years (DALY). Results. The DALY of prisoners in the Volga federal district increased from 348,0‰ (men – 347,7‰, women – 373,5‰) in 2016 to 414,5‰ (men – 406,1‰, women – 481,3‰) in 2016. The value of DALY prisoners was 26,8% higher than that of the population (332,1‰). The contribution to the DALY structure of the loss of life years due to premature mortality in 2016 among all prisoners during the period increased from 28,3% in 2006 (men – 29,7%, women – 13,2%) to 35,1 % in 2016 (men – 36,6%, women – 21,7%), which is more than 3 times higher than the similar indicator of the population of the country (12,0%). The sex and age structure of DALY has been established in which the leading place for the causes of loss of life as a result of a health disorder belong to: some infectious and parasitic diseases, mainly represented by HIV and tuberculosis, occupy the top line of the rating in the age groups 20-34 and 35-59 years; circulatory system diseases are the main cause of loss of life years in the age group of 60 years or more; in the age group of 14-19 years, the most relevant class are diseases of the respiratory system. Conclusions. The obtained data confirm existence of a tendency to deterioration in the state of health of prisoners of the Volga Federal District during 2006-2016. The leading reasons of disability adjusted life years as a result of violation of health became: tuberculosis, HIV infection, sharp respiratory infections of airways and complete suicides.

Key words

disability adjusted life years, DALY, prisoners, health assessment


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