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Implementation of Conceptual Approach to Medical Maintenance of International Sports Competitions at World Aquatics Championship Category «Masters»

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 3, 2017, pp.156-162 (Brief communications)


Smirnov A. O.
PD, assistant, Chair of public health, economy and health management, Kazan State Medical Academy – Branch Campus of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, , E-mail: alex.sm.doc@mail.ru


The experience in medical provision of participants of 16th FINA World Masters Championships in Kazan is presented as well as results of the implementation of conceptual approach to health care in international sports competitions. During the period of the event 820 requests for medical aid were recorded, of which the proportion of athletes was 48,9%. The frequency of referrals of athletes ranged 90,9 to 375,0 per 1000 athletes of appropriate age, with the highest values in the age groups 85 years and older and 65-74 years (375,0 and 204,0 per 1000 athletes, respectively). These statistics will be used for organizing medical support in water sports competitions.

Key words

medical services, 16th FINA World Masters Championships


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