Tereshhenko A. V.
Doctor of Medicine, Director, Kaluga branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, E-mail:
Trifanenkova I. G.
PhD, Deputy Director for Science, Kaluga branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, E-mail:
Alkhimova D. V.
statistician, Kaluga branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, E-mail:
Yudina N. N.
PhD, Head, Department of vitreoretinal surgery, Kaluga branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, E-mail:
Conflict of interests: None declared
Purpose of the article is to analyze provision of the high-technological medical care (HTMC) for patients with vitreoretinal pathology in the Kaluga branch of S. Fyodorov Eye microsurgery clinics during 2014-2016, define existing problems and development prospects. During 2014-2016, the total number of vitreoretinal surgery operations performed in the Kaluga branch of S. Fyodorov Eye microsurgery clinics "Eye microsurgery" for all funding sources were 8 319. The branch has the state of the art equipment, which allows to perform any vitreoretinal surgeries. Patients from almost all regions of the Russian Federation come to the branch for HTMC in vitreoretinal pathology. There was 75.6% patients from another region during the period. Surgery for the patients with vitreoretinal pathology is funded by means of federal budget, mandatory medical insurance fund and other sources. Executed volume of HTMC for the patients with retinal and vitreous diseases allowed to analyze quantitative and qualitative indicators, reveal existing problems, and to identify solutions for some of them. Generally, the separation of HTMC in the system of state guarantees has provided the availability of the high level ophthalmic care to the patients with vitreoretinal pathology. However, there are a number of organizational issues that require resolution at the federal level.
Key words
high-technological medical care, ophthalmology, vitreoretinal pathology
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