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Predicting the risk of developing bronchial asthma in children aged 5 years and under

Journal «MEDICINA» ¹ 3, 2017, pp.23-37 (Research)


Dobrynina O. D.
postgraduate student, Children's diseases department of medical institute1

Meshcheryakov V. V.
Doctor of Medicine, Full Professor, Head, Children's diseases department of medical institute1

Pavlov S. I.
ðostgraduate student, Informatics and computer engineering department of polytechnic institute1

Mikshina Victoria
PhD, Full Professor, Head, Informatics and computer engineering department of polytechnic institute1

1 - Surgut state university

Corresponding author

Dobrynina O.D., E-mail: dobryninaolesja@rambler.ru

Conflict of interest and source of funding

None declared.


The article deals with the prediction of the risk of developing of bronchial asthma among children of 5 years old and younger with a prolonged recurrent cough and/or wheezing attacks (Broncho-obstructive syndrome). There was developed a model of predicting the disease using binary logistic regression. The prediction is based on the anamnestic principle with the allocation of peri-, intra- and early postnatal predictors of the disease. Using the developed model on a separate group of children showed its high prognostic significance.

Key words

bronchial asthma, prediction tool, logistic regression, children of early age


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