Sakharova G. M.
M.D., PhD, full professor, Head, Smoking Cessation Centre, E-mail:, Federal Government Budgetary Institution «Pulmonology Research Institute» of Federal Medico-Biological Agency of Russia
Antonov N. S.
M.D., PhD, assistant director, E-mail:, Federal Government Budgetary Institution «Pulmonology Research Institute» of Federal Medico-Biological Agency of Russia
Donitova V. V.
Researcer, Smoking Cessation Centre, E-mail, Federal Government Budgetary Institution «Pulmonology Research Institute» of Federal Medico-Biological Agency of Russia
Trend analysis of tobacco consumption rates is essential for efficiency evaluation of national tobacco control measures in Russian Federation. Global Youth Tobacco Survey (ages 13-15) was conducted twice in Russian Federation during the last 10 years. The first round of the survey was taken in 2004 as baseline, and the current situation was evaluated in the second round in 2015. Both rounds were conducted in 5 regions of Russian Federation: Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Cheboksary, Moscow and Pskov regions. At the conclusion of two rounds in 2004 and 2015 a common pattern was identified in all regions. In general, collected data gives evidence of success of tobacco control measures and of positive dynamics in tobacco consumption among teenagers of ages 13-15, expressed in sharp decline of various consumption rates. However, some of the changes are meager and some are negative. Moreover, some new challenges that require corrections of the tobacco control policies were discovered. The following trends may be counted as positive. Smoking rates went sharply down, by more than twofold, and number of potential future smokers decreased by 3.5 times. Also the exposure to secondhand smoking reduced remarkably by twofold at home and by 2.5 times at public places. The availability of tobacco products lowered by twofold in average. The support of ban of smoking in closed public places increased among teenagers, as well as the impact of health warnings on the cigarette packs and awareness of hazardous effects of tobacco on health.
As for negative trends, the most pronounced were the following: the proportion of teenagers showing markers of nicotine dependence have increased multifold (by 6 times) and at the same time the proportion of teenagers who tried to quit in the last 12 months have decreased, as well as those who would like to quit in future. A deterioration of healthcare services in smoking cessation and treating tobacco dependence was identified. A considerable new challenge is presented in prominent increase of e-cigarettes usage by teenagers. It is possible that wide availability of the devices and the option of using cartridges with any amount of nicotine have led to the development of more severe nicotine dependence in teenagers mentioned above.
The survey shows that the tobacco control policies adopted in Russian Federation have succeeded to get the slowdown rates of tobacco consumption almost to the numbers set up in the Framework on Implementing National Tobacco Control Policies for 2010-2015 years, as well as lowering the percentage of people exposed to secondhand smoking, and increasing the awareness of health hazards of smoking in general public in the last few years. However, the areas where the efforts have to be strengthened even further were also identified. There is a need in the development of a healthcare service for smoking cessation support, treating tobacco dependence and tobacco-related health issues, and reinforcing the compliance with the ban of smoking in public places, the ban of tobacco advertising in media and the ban of tobacco sales to minors (under 18 years of age). A prompt adoption and implementation of measures aimed to protecting the teenagers’ health from the hazards of using electronic nicotine delivery devices and to preventing introduction of teenagers to other new forms of tobacco products is needed.
Key words
prevalence of tobacco use, tobacco smoking, risk factors, epidemiology, electronic cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery, fight against tobacco, nicotine dependence
1. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. WHO, 2003. Assessed at:
2. Global youth tobacco survey (GYTS). Russian Federation. Bulletin, 2004. Print.
3. The concept of the state policy on countering tobacco consumption for 2010-2015. The order of the Government of the Russian Federation, September 23, 2010 ¹ 1563-r.
4. Saharova, G. M., and N. S. Antonov. Assistance to Quitting Tobacco in Therapeutic Practice. Moscow: UP Print, 2011.
5. Mokina, N. A., G. M. Saharova, N. S. Antonov, V. F. Pyatin, M. A. Gudkova, and Y. A. Goryainov. "Practical Application of International Clinical Guidelines on Smoking Cessation in Adolescents: The Final Assessment Points and Efficacy Results." Narkologiya, no. 1 (2015): 16-19.
6. The Federal law of 23.02.2013 N 15-FZ (ed. of 12.30.2015) "On protection of the health of citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco use." Assessed at:
7. The Federal law of 21.10.2013 N 274-FZ "On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and the Federal Law" On Advertising "in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law" On protection of the health of citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco use." Assessed at:
8. The Federal law of 22.12.2008 N 268-FZ "Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products." Assessed at: