Tereshhenko A. V.
Doctor of Medicine, Director1
Trifanenkova I. G.
PhD, Deputy Director for Science1
Yudina N. N.
PhD, Head, Department of vitreoretinal surgery1
1 - «IRTC ”Eye Microsurgery” named after academician S. N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of Russia
The study evaluates results of the perfluororganic compounds (PFOC) use as an immediate intraoperative tool, and as tamponade agent for vitreal cavity during surgical treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). The study group was 11 patients (17 eyes) aged 7-12 weeks (post-conceptual age 36-42 weeks) with different stages of retinopathy of prematurity. Given the high activity of the pathological process and the risk of a total retinal detachment, all patients were performed 3-port vitrectomy with the use of PFOC as immediate intraoperative tool, and as tamponade agent for vitreal cavity during surgical treatment of retinopathy of prematurity. In 9 cases when the operation was completed replacing PFOS with the air, long term outcomes in 6 cases were full retina attachment, in 3 cases minor folds of the retina persisted at the former shaft of extra retinal proliferation. In cases of short-term tamponade PFOC 5 eyes demonstrated full retina attachment, ruptures were blocked, pigmented coagulates were observed, additional laser photocoagulation was not performed. In 2 cases, where PFOC tamponade lasted for 2 weeks, under the second stage of the intervention (replacement with silicone oil or gas-air mixture) negative manifestations were identified in the form of PFOC in the vitreal cavity. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the use of PFOC as an intraoperative guide in surgical treatment of severe progressive forms of PH is an effective method which greatly facilitates the key stages of intervention, enhances safety and assists in stabilization of the pathological process, helping to achieve the proper anatomical proportions of the eyeball. Short-term tamponade with PFOC is advisable in cases of retinal ruptures, contributing to their effective blocking by laser photocoagulation and provides attachment of the retina without the use of silicone oil tamponade. A longer stay of PFOC in vitreal cavity is impractical due to intensification of the inflammation and ineffectiveness of vitreal intervention.
Key words
retinopathy of prematurity, vitreous surgery, perfluororganic compounds (PFOC)
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